Something Sexy
Super Freak
He recognized Indy after I showed him the high-res pics. But he had no idea who Mola Ram was. He's never seen ToD. I guess we need to sit down for a movie night.
Haha yea I think it is about time he sees it.
He recognized Indy after I showed him the high-res pics. But he had no idea who Mola Ram was. He's never seen ToD. I guess we need to sit down for a movie night.
Hey Tyler, where did you get the bag and how much?
Heres my real one,
and heres a repro I bought for $10.
This almost makes up for the Rancor "diorama" . . . almost.
WOW..sold out already? I never knew when it came out on pre-order (it was a busy week for me). The detail on this piece is awesome, including those wooden bridge remains. All of it oozes awesomeness. But i am a bit skeptical about the final product as i have lost faith in all these pre-production pictures (after "Han & Luke in Stromtrooper disguise" paint app fiasco)
mola ram looks great, but who is that guy wearing indy's hat???
There is always something to complain about eh?
There is always something to complain about eh?
I'm just waiting for Agent5 to pop in here with a War & Peace rant tearing Sideshow a new sphincter for the hat being to tall.
Have you done the 360 degree spin in the gallery?
The Proto piece has a great big crack at the back. I guess that's why they never showed the back off before
Have you done the 360 degree spin in the gallery?
The Proto piece has a great big crack at the back. I guess that's why they never showed the back off before
I just noticed that too. I hope that it's not something that will be a problem with the piece. I'm thinking of cancelling the "bag" version and going with the regular. Save me a few bucks and I really don't need the bag.
New Drinking Game!
Take a drink every time Klauder says "dynamic" in a Backstage Pass video.
to you, Scott!