Q. What about new acquisitions?
A. New collectibles similar to the type(s) listed on your application are automatically covered by the policy you
get from Collectibles Insurance Agency. If you start a new collection just email, fax, write or call us to add the
new type collectible to your coverage. If you do not tell us about new types or themes for your collectibles they
cannot be insured. Your coverage can be changed at any time.
Also, collectors have an automatic 1% monthly increase in coverage (not compounded) unless the collector has
voided this option. This means that if you take out a $10,000 policy, each month after the inception month the
policy value increases by $100. Thus if you were to take out a $10,000 insurance policy in January and in July
of the same year incur a loss, your coverage in July is $10,600. When a renewal notice is sent to you for
renewal effective January of the next year, instead of $10,000 coverage the renewal bill will be for $11,200
coverage. You can call, fax, write or email us to change your coverage to a lower or higher value. This
automatic monthly increase is to protect you for new purchases and sometimes for increased value of existing
items. If the automatic monthly increase in coverage is not desired just contact us and void this provision.