Of the ones you listed, I'm interested in (ranked by preference):
1. Buffy (Buffy above all others, always

Characters not done yet:
2. Anya
3. Tara
4. Wesley
Characters already done:
5. Angel
6. Willow
7. Faith
8. Spike.
There are many more characters that aren't even listed, so I guess we can't vote for them. I would likely buy a Spike, but he's been done in so many variations already, I'd much rather see every other character (including ones not even listed like Dawn, Fred/Illyria, etc.) done first.
As a side note, I'm a collector, not an artist. An unpainted head wouldn't do me much good. Would finding an excellent painter be an issue, or are other people in the same boat?
Thank you for even contemplating this, I'm always looking to add to my Buffy collection.