interesting topic/article about SDCC

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that's what happens when so many virgin guys get to be around attractive women. they dont know what to do. it's confusing.:google

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Bam Kapow said:
How does this kind of behavior continue? Every year it seems to get worse and worse. These are not strip club conventions. People just want to have a good time. How my fellow male comrades aren't able to tell the difference between a character in anime that is constantly amused sexually and a real-life person in cosplay is beyond me.

The ironic thing is that if this were a Strip Club atmosphere, the first sign of disrespect would equal you getting thrown on your ass. In reality even though most people use the Strip Club scenario to describe women treated disrespectfully, most legit Strip Clubs have some of the best behaved customers as the rules of decorum are understood and strongly enforced.

Having "bouncers" at SDCC would seriously be a one time only thing because after the first few started getting ejected, there'd be no issue. If allowed to act this way, those people who feel gutsy enough to act this way only continue to progress in their behavior because its left unchecked. Something tells me though that some of these guys grab the wrong chick and she'll punt their nuts into the Mexico Border.
:lecture :lecture :lecture

The ironic thing is that if this were a Strip Club atmosphere, the first sign of disrespect would equal you getting thrown on your ass. In reality even though most people use the Strip Club scenario to describe women treated disrespectfully, most legit Strip Clubs have some of the best behaved customers as the rules of decorum are understood and strongly enforced.

Having "bouncers" at SDCC would seriously be a one time only thing because after the first few started getting ejected, there'd be no issue. If allowed to act this way, those people who feel gutsy enough to act this way only continue to progress in their behavior because its left unchecked. Something tells me though that some of these guys grab the wrong chick and she'll punt their nuts into the Mexico Border.
yeah they better watch it or they'll get one in the ol' swingbag.
Perhaps there should be a code word that a woman could yell that all the other male virgins would know is the code for "I'm being harrassed" and they would be allowed to come kick the butt of the harrasser with no interference from the "Elite" security.
that's what happens when so many virgin guys get to be around attractive women. they dont know what to do. it's confusing.:google

:lol:lol thats true. :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

security guards should have been around though, under sexed men + scandally clad women = groping
Perhaps there should be a code word that a woman could yell that all the other male virgins would know is the code for "I'm being harrassed" and they would be allowed to come kick the butt of the harrasser with no interference from the "Elite" security.

Perhaps somthing along the lines of "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE"!

I think that article makes a good point, and at least three really lame points.

First, any jack-off who grabs a woman's butt to "see her reaction" should lose some teeth for it. Unacceptable.

And the criticism...

A guy criticized some female artist's drawing capability? Big f'ing deal. I criticized men's drawing capabilities all the time. Does that make me guilty of assaulting men? I have seen some really sh$tty art at cons. As long as the guy didn't go overboard with name calling, or destroy her table, maybe she should suck it up and move on with her life. If it hurt her feelings that bad, maybe she realizes he was right. The truth hurts.

In the past, if a guy asked you out several times, he was being persistent. Now, he is obviously a "stalker" with serial killer intentions. So she didn't want to date the guy. I get it. But to turn that into "stalking" because he kept asking is a little much. I would bet a large amount of money she never told him to leave her alone, and complained to somebody else that a creepy guy was bothering her.

Finally, at the end of the article, the author gives us his plea to stop bugging the ladies at the con because he "loves his eye-candy." So it's fine to stand at a distance and stare cosplayer's up and down. Just don't actually talk to them lest you mess it up and ruin it for the rest of the pervy onlookers. He spent a good part of the article trying to prove the con is not a strip club, then posted a picture of a big ***** Wonder Woman for all to gawk at. Way to go. Moron.
I thought nerds were shy around beautiful women...:monkey3

Yes, hasn't Futurama taught us anything? I am thinking about the episode where the characters go into the internet as their virtual selves, and Leela enters this cyber cafe with a bunch of male nerds. :monkey3

Having said that, this is no laughing matter, and that kind of behavior is unacceptable. :peace