Super Freak
Is the faceplate plastic?
The paint is very Matt
Is the faceplate plastic?
The paint is very Mattlol) giving it a plastic look instead of metallic.
I wasn't trying to be a complete jerk, haha, sorry if I sounded a bit deceptive. I am just frustrated with the issue is allyou can open it and still return it for a full refund. it makes no difference if you were aware or unaware of the problem.
I wasn't trying to be a complete jerk, haha, sorry if I sounded a bit deceptive. I am just frustrated with the issue is all.
This will probably be my approach. For ****s sake I waited almost 2 years, I would at least like to get a look at it!Don't worry about it, open it and have a good old look, this isn't your fault. If you decide it isn't worth the cost just contact SS and complain, TBH I'd do that anyway to try and get as much compensation as possible before you decide.
Do you think this will be heavily discounted to move ? Or will they destroy all pieces ?
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'I wanted to follow up with you regarding your Iron Man MK VI Legendary Scale Bust. The prototype which was photographed for our website did not have a finalized arc-reactor inserted. With that said the final version did in fact have the arc-reactor inserted with the triangle pointing up as opposed to it pointing downward as in the prototype.'
I wasn't trying to be a complete jerk, haha, sorry if I sounded a bit deceptive. I am just frustrated with the issue is all.
thing is Spidey, the more covers you slip over the top, the less light will get through...the whole piece really needs to come off and boy did I try to remove it last night! That Arc is seriously welded to the bust!Another solution would be to get the Iron Man 2 and Avengers movie re-made so that they can alter the arc so that its pointing upwards to match the bust
So the RECAST has the arc right, and looks like it must have been made IN THE FACTORY. So who else thinks that the guys who are making the recasts work in the factory and SWITCHED the instructions for the SSC piece so that the folks putting this together got it WRONG, and theirs are right
That seems very far fetched indeed. I think a more plausible... but equally disturbing reason for this is that the guys making the recasts take more pride in the job they are doing than Sideshow... As bad as recasts are, they can often be seen with better paint apps also, not good.