Re: [Insomniac Pic's] ---- IRON SPIDER-MAN comiquette EX !
Glad you found it okay.
The mods do it, it is only available to view for members.
If a decent review comes up about an item, rather than it getting lost in amongst pages of text, we can copy the posts into this area giving acces to awesome piccies and reviews straight away. So all you have to do is go in there and look for your item. If a review/decent piccies have been made on that piece then they will probably have been copied and posted there too.
Hope this helps
link please
Edit: Well what do you know.
Who compiles all these into a single photo only thread?
Glad you found it okay.
The mods do it, it is only available to view for members.
If a decent review comes up about an item, rather than it getting lost in amongst pages of text, we can copy the posts into this area giving acces to awesome piccies and reviews straight away. So all you have to do is go in there and look for your item. If a review/decent piccies have been made on that piece then they will probably have been copied and posted there too.
Hope this helps
