Just pre-ordered. Very happy that SSC ended up having this piece. Could be a grail Vader.
Grail? There will be a ton of these produced. God, I hate the term "grail".
I wouldn't say grail either but I would say, Arguably this will be the Darth Vader Statue to own.....
Grail? There will be a ton of these produced. God, I hate the term "grail".
Everything is opinion. Believe it or not there are people who think the SS looks better and some still like the GG version.
There will never be the one because there is so many and in the future so many. It's like arguing who the greatest boxer. All are the best to someone.
I say buy them all and then sell the one that increases in value the most lol
I'm still not sure about it considering the pressure it puts on funds this month. That and owning a Vader already is a double whammy.
So anyone know as I asked earlier if the gloves and arms are supposed to be glossy. Did he just slice that metal hose to his left. I like some alt arms but the palm up version his fingers look weird and I thought that before only seeing it from the front so maybe a side photo shows it better.
Believe it or not there are people who think the SS looks better and some still like the GG version.
To those people...
Lol you guys are brutal next Hot Toys will bring out an unannounced Vader PF and you'll be trashing IS.
The IS is cool for sure I think it will look great on muh shelf
Yup, true story. I was waiting patiently for HTs 1:4 Vader, but once this went up and at a very competitive price (since I'm sure the HT Vader will be around $600), this was the obvious choice. When it comes to 1:4, statues just seem like the better choice to me. I'll stick with 1:6 for HT.HT already showed their Vader, nobody wants it over this [emoji14] A lot of people wanted it over the SS Vader though. They do gotta hurry up with that trooper though :|