Do you know it was looked over? Where you at the factory to see each piece get the once over?
Unless Tim (GM of Weta), was lying, then yes, they were all looked over before leaving China. He even commented how the FB paint job turned out better then the initial prototype.
I'll agree, as it turned out, the veneer finish was not a good choice (a decision that is no doubt costing Weta a lot of dollars now), but to say that they weren't all checked and left the factory just fine is of course a baseless accusation which we know not to be true.
Yeah, plain and simple some oversight on a few pieces over the course of 2800. They cannot humanly check all 2800 pieces and not miss something. Just not gonna happen.
That's not a third option, that's number 2, "No one looked at them, the QC sticker was just slapped on the side and it was all sent out."
Even if the reason is because they "cannot humanly check them all", then it's still option 2.
Unless your saying that they were all checked and the simple "oversight" was that the chin wasn't noticed. Really... given the photo's we have all seen, could anyone even just quickly look at those and not notice the chin?