Hit or miss for me. I've gotten a lot of cheap junk that eventually got to me (even if it took a very long time in some cases), but once I ordered a Hot Toys Robocop from someone who had a reasonable amount of positive feedback, but a short time after I ordered the seller disappeared and the item never came. I eventually had to file a dispute and get refunded. Buyer beware. Apparently China and Hong Kong based sellers do this a lot where they sell enough to build up some trust from potential buyers then just leave a bunch of people hanging at the end, then go on to set up another account, rinse and repeat. That happens on eBay, as well, with guys selling 3rd party Transformers. Not as much protection/oversight on aliexpress as you have with something like eBay. But yes, if you can pay with Paypal I'm guessing that would be a really good move.