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not sure how others might feel about this, but do an accurate figure of an animated show does work for me. I can only hope that Hono will do the main characters from the show. Personally they should have started with that, if a license could be worked out. I got all of the Bad Batch figures but they cannot do a Omega figure since they did accurate figures based on the actual actor not the animated figures, if you see what I mean.
Yeah, that was the problem going this route. HT really opens themselves up for price criticism. Sure it’s stylized but they shouldn’t be $100 less than non stylized armor. Same basic white armor on black suit as a realistic version. Paint might be the only thing drastically less here but is it $100 in paint? I don’t think so.
Don't worry, they'll narrow the price gap...by incrementally increasing these entry level figure costs. Vader will demonstrate that :)
not sure how others might feel about this, but do an accurate figure of an animated show does work for me. I can only hope that Hono will do the main characters from the show. Personally they should have started with that, if a license could be worked out. I got all of the Bad Batch figures but they cannot do an Omega figure since they did accurate figures based on the actual actor not the animated figures, if you see what I mean.
This is what I’ve been arguing for since 2020 when CW Rex was announced. I know hate is a strong word, but Idc, I’ll use it here lol, I hate the TMS TCW line.

I understand wanting these characters to be β€œrealistic” to be paired with the rest of the Star Wars live-action characters, but why….? I never understood the desire for that when the medium is animation and that’s how we know these characters.

Furthermore, certain characters like Rex weren’t even translated properly to live-action, and that just bothers me even more. And yes, I say that because why do these companies use the live-action designs for other accessories such as the belts? If they were just based on the animated design but made to look β€œrealistic” it should’ve been the same belt design but done β€œrealistic” by adding some grittier weathering or something. But no, they used the live-action belt. If that’s the case, go all the way and do it right. They never did and never will.

To your point about the Bad Batch, yes now it’s this conundrum where they won’t make Omega. Imo, it’s weird as hell when people are asking for a young Temuera Morrison sculpt but transformed into a female version. Now you end up with a Bad Batch line with these weird looking Temuera Morrison sculpts Bad Batch characters that aren’t even accurate to how we know them when we turn on The Bad Batch on Disney+. These animated lines should’ve always been animated style like ITSV and now Arcane. I would’ve had less of an issue with the TMS TCW line if it was a so-called β€œWhat if? Mythos” line, but it’s not. It’s like these designs concocted by Hot Toys are the design for how they would’ve looked like in live-action when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

End rant lol
This is what I’ve been arguing for since 2020 when CW Rex was announced. I know hate is a strong word, but Idc, I’ll use it here lol, I hate the TMS TCW line.

I understand wanting these characters to be β€œrealistic” to be paired with the rest of the Star Wars live-action characters, but why….? I never understood the desire for that when the medium is animation and that’s how we know these characters.

Furthermore, certain characters like Rex weren’t even translated properly to live-action, and that just bothers me even more. And yes, I say that because why do these companies use the live-action designs for other accessories such as the belts? If they were just based on the animated design but made to look β€œrealistic” it should’ve been the same belt design but done β€œrealistic” by adding some grittier weathering or something. But no, they used the live-action belt. If that’s the case, go all the way and do it right. They never did and never will.

To your point about the Bad Batch, yes now it’s this conundrum where they won’t make Omega. Imo, it’s weird as hell when people are asking for a young Temuera Morrison sculpt but transformed into a female version. Now you end up with a Bad Batch line with these weird looking Temuera Morrison sculpts Bad Batch characters that aren’t even accurate to how we know them when we turn on The Bad Batch on Disney+. These animated lines should’ve always been animated style like ITSV and now Arcane. I would’ve had less of an issue with the TMS TCW line if it was a so-called β€œWhat if? Mythos” line, but it’s not. It’s like these designs concocted by Hot Toys are the design for how they would’ve looked like in live-action when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

End rant lol
I could agree with you IF they started with the animated line. At this point, they're so far down the realistic path that for most, going deep into a truly animated line would be cost and space restrictive...aside from zealots like you who hate the TMS TCW line and don't collect it. You'd have the space and cash for a deep new line. ps. I called you a "zealot" tongue in cheek :)
I could agree with you IF they started with the animated line. At this point, they're so far down the realistic path that for most, going deep into a truly animated line would be cost and space restrictive...aside from zealots like you who hate the TMS TCW line and don't collect it. You'd have the space and cash for a deep new line. ps. I called you a "zealot" tongue in cheek :)
I’m totally a zealot in this case, I will never not be salty about this :lol but yes, the line as-is is baked. Every TMS release has at least one thing wrong with it…. πŸ˜’ I’ve thought about creating a diagram showing everything that is wrong with each lol.

If they were to start a proper animated based line, if they’d at least do S7 Siege of Mandalore Ahsoka, Rex, Maul and Bo-Katan, I’d be happy. Bonus would be S7 Anakin and Obi-Wan.
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I’m totally a zealot in this case, I will never not be salty about this :lol but yes, the line as-is is baked. Every TMS release has at least one thing wrong with it…. πŸ˜’ I’ve thought about creating a diagram showing everything that is wrong with each lol.

If they were to start a proper animated based line, if they’d at least do S7 Siege of Mandalore Ahsoka, Rex, Maul and Bo-Katan, I’d be happy. Bonus would be S7 Anakin and Obi-Wan.
damn it. you have my attention :)

Edit: Question: Were the Sideshow TCW offerings too over priced, flawed in their own way, etc.? They at least had Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Ahsoka... Their Cad Bane actually fits well with the realistic look of the HT offerings...
damn it. you have my attention :)

Edit: Question: Were the Sideshow TCW offerings too over priced, flawed in their own way, etc.? They at least had Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Ahsoka... Their Cad Bane actually fits well with the realistic look of the HT offerings...
I think their Ahsoka looks horrid... Anakin and Obi-Wan look fine, Cad Bane is probably their best, but Idk, simply put, they’re Sideshow figures lol. I mainly collect Hot Toys and INART.

The Sideshow CW figures also aren’t the ideal looks for me (S7).