But that doesn't mean people won't be bitter because they don't have the same perks. It pisses me off, frankly, but that's the nature of things in my observations. People will wish ill of others out of jealousy and spite.pretty much everyone at one time was a student and saw the time off that teachers have so if you weren't smart enough to aim for that rewarding career and get it sucks to be you.
I don't know about the Canadian system, but in the U.S. our education system is flawed and has its issues, including bad apple teachers who make everyone else suffer when they fail to treat their work with the level of seriousness and professionalism that it warrants. However, I know it is not nearly as bad as many paint it to be, and I think those who want to de-fund education and to take away the existing benefits that teachers have (much less trying to expand on them to attract good candidates like Ben) are extremely short-sighted. Education reform should not be accomplished by cutting teacher benefits and rationing budgets.