Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys or Not?

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Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Try using "two eyes" :lol


Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Just to clarify, I’m really not trying to troll. Truth is, I’m not happy about the price increase either (who is?) but I don’t think it’s going to do much good complaining about it. If you’re really not happy about it, hit ‘em where it really hurts, in the wallet – don’t buy it. But if you’re complaining and then still buy it, it’s not gonna do any good.

Bottom line is, like others have said, we don’t know why there was such a jump in price. I’m guessing the licensing fees were very expensive. They haven’t gotten this high for any other 1/6 HT figures. Let’s face it, these aren’t the run of the mill releases. HT doesn’t owe us anything other than a quality product. This isn’t a life necessity. Like with anything in life, you weight the pros and cons (cost vs. what you get) and you make your decision. And if it’s just simply you can’t afford it, then that sucks for you, we can’t all get what we want if we cant afford it – that’s just how life is.

For me, the way I rationalize the price increase is it just means you are only getting 2 HT’s figures for the price of 3 that you would normally buy. Fine by me, Ill take 2 of the greatest 1/6 figures over 3 pretty good figures any day of the week.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Just to clarify, I’m really not trying to troll. Truth is, I’m not happy about the price increase either (who is?) but I don’t think it’s going to do much good complaining about it. If you’re really not happy about it, hit ‘em where it really hurts, in the wallet – don’t buy it. But if you’re complaining and then still buy it, it’s not gonna do any good.

Bottom line is, like others have said, we don’t know why there was such a jump in price. I’m guessing the licensing fees were very expensive. They haven’t gotten this high for any other 1/6 HT figures. Let’s face it, these aren’t the run of the mill releases. HT doesn’t owe us anything other than a quality product. This isn’t a life necessity. Like with anything in life, you weight the pros and cons (cost vs. what you get) and you make your decision. And if it’s just simply you can’t afford it, then that sucks for you, we can’t all get what we want if we cant afford it – that’s just how life is.

For me, the way I rationalize the price increase is it just means you are only getting 2 HT’s figures for the price of 3 that you would normally buy. Fine by me, Ill take 2 of the greatest 1/6 figures over 3 pretty good figures any day of the week.

:goodpost: The 89 Nicholson Joker is hands down the best head sculpt I've seen from HT yet. With the amount accessories that set comes with I'll happily pay the extra 20 or 40 bucks to display that beauty on my shelf.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Just to clarify, I’m really not trying to troll.


I'm also not a troll, more like a cyclops, maybe an eyeclops.

jstep13 is a good person.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

These threads always revolve around price. Everything about HT is a starting point to talk about how expensive this hobby is for what is just some dolls. If it's such an issue then don't buy the damn things. The anger that some are feeling about being priced out of your beloved 12" figures is funny. "Why is HT doing this to me? they don't want me to buy anything else? no LSF Wolf Predator? no DC PFs like Joker? No masturbatory Vampirella or Jessica Rabbit? Why do I feel so trapped????? why can't I have it all???? what should I do????"

This whole thing is ridiculous. It all comes down to being more selective and focusing your collection. HT is not going to do it for you by lowering their prices or keeping everything nice and uniform at $150 for everything. They will keep hitting home runs because that's their job. They will charge you accordingly (because you always demand they do more and better) and steadily increase the price because that's their job. They want all your money. They make these things so good because they don't want you to collect anything else. That's their job. Accept the rules to the game and play the game...or not. The complaining in these threads is so tiresome. You can either afford this or you can't. All the market analysis, collector trend charts and psycho-analysis of "what is a toy" is pointless if you are trying to rationalize the continuous expensive purchases of non-essential goods.

It's time for people to man up or quit. If it's a nice HT offering but too expensive then pass. Afraid of missing out because the price will skyrocket even more out of your price range? Then you know what to do: work overtime, sell some stuff, cut back on going to the movies/dinner/trips/etc. Remember, you can always cancel what is probably and most likely an obscene amount of other preorders (flex paying multiple stuff is still obscene by the way) you got for all those sexy female statues or comic related pieces. It's time for collectors to take responsibility. Stop crying "it's not fair" with all this price talk. Look in the mirror and make some grown people choices.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

These threads always revolve around price. Everything about HT is a starting point to talk about how expensive this hobby is for what is just some dolls. If it's such an issue then don't buy the damn things. The anger that some are feeling about being priced out of your beloved 12" figures is funny. "Why is HT doing this to me? they don't want me to buy anything else? no LSF Wolf Predator? no DC PFs like Joker? No masturbatory Vampirella or Jessica Rabbit? Why do I feel so trapped????? why can't I have it all???? what should I do????"

This whole thing is ridiculous. It all comes down to being more selective and focusing your collection. HT is not going to do it for you by lowering their prices or keeping everything nice and uniform at $150 for everything. They will keep hitting home runs because that's their job. They will charge you accordingly and steadily increase the price because that's their job. They want all your money. They make these things so good because they don't want you to collect anything else. That's their job. Accept the rules to the game and play the game...or not. The complaining in these threads is so tiresome. You can either afford this or you can't. All the market analysis, collector trend charts and psycho-analysis of "what is a toy" is pointless if you are trying to rationalize the continuous expensive purchases of non-essential goods.

It's time for people to man up or quit. If it's a nice HT offering but too expensive then pass. Afraid of missing out because the price will skyrocket even more out of your price range? Then you know what to do: work overtime, sell some stuff, cut back on going to the movies/dinner/trips/etc. Remember, you can always cancel what is probably and most likely an obscene amount of other preorders (flex paying multiple stuff is still obscene by the way) you got for all those sexy female statues or comic related pieces. It's time for collectors to take responsibility. Stop crying "it's not fair" with all this price talk. Look in the mirror and make some grown people choices.

Grown-ups think like this :lecture
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Ill just have to agree to disagree with you. :) Its all about production costs. What the cost was to produce these figures 2-3-4-5 years ago i can guarantee has doubled, tripled, and more. everything from materials, to licensing, to design, to exporting and shipping. Its all gone WAY UP!!! You just cant make this kind of figure coming from Japan and expect them to cost $100-130. Just impossible in this world economy. If it could be done, then someone would be doing it. Its just the cost of EVERYTHING is much more expensive now. If one of us tried and started our own business and had to go through everything these companies do to produce these figures, no way you would be able to sell them at 100-130 and be able to pay the companies bills and employees. Look at what some of the custom making artists charge for their stuff. And they are just 1 person making the items.

Nobody ever mentions that the artists have to be paid as well. These guys and gals don't work for free and must take them quite a long time to get these right. I'm sure they aren't paid peanuts and HT has a few of the best in the business.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Plus, are you guys aware that the boxes they pack these things in cost $150 each?? I don't have anything resembling a source for this, really I'm just making an uneducated guess here, but the price has increased and I gots to explain it to myself somehow. So, I repeat again, this time with exclamation marks and capitals, BOXES COST $150!!!! In this ECONOMY you can't expect to HAVE a box made FOR less than that!!!
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

These threads always revolve around price. Everything about HT is a starting point to talk about how expensive this hobby is for what is just some dolls. If it's such an issue then don't buy the damn things. The anger that some are feeling about being priced out of your beloved 12" figures is funny. "Why is HT doing this to me? they don't want me to buy anything else? no LSF Wolf Predator? no DC PFs like Joker? No masturbatory Vampirella or Jessica Rabbit? Why do I feel so trapped????? why can't I have it all???? what should I do????"

This whole thing is ridiculous. It all comes down to being more selective and focusing your collection. HT is not going to do it for you by lowering their prices or keeping everything nice and uniform at $150 for everything. They will keep hitting home runs because that's their job. They will charge you accordingly (because you always demand they do more and better) and steadily increase the price because that's their job. They want all your money. They make these things so good because they don't want you to collect anything else. That's their job. Accept the rules to the game and play the game...or not. The complaining in these threads is so tiresome. You can either afford this or you can't. All the market analysis, collector trend charts and psycho-analysis of "what is a toy" is pointless if you are trying to rationalize the continuous expensive purchases of non-essential goods.

It's time for people to man up or quit. If it's a nice HT offering but too expensive then pass. Afraid of missing out because the price will skyrocket even more out of your price range? Then you know what to do: work overtime, sell some stuff, cut back on going to the movies/dinner/trips/etc. Remember, you can always cancel what is probably and most likely an obscene amount of other preorders (flex paying multiple stuff is still obscene by the way) you got for all those sexy female statues or comic related pieces. It's time for collectors to take responsibility. Stop crying "it's not fair" with all this price talk. Look in the mirror and make some grown people choices.

Well said, Fox, well said :goodpost:
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Plus, are you guys aware that the boxes they pack these things in cost $150 each?? I don't have anything resembling a source for this, really I'm just making an uneducated guess here, but the price has increased and I gots to explain it to myself somehow. So, I repeat again, this time with exclamation marks and capitals, BOXES COST $150!!!! In this ECONOMY you can't expect to HAVE a box made FOR less than that!!!

I can't offer you a source either Grosby but I think your guess is SPOT ON!!! For real peeps expecting to pick up a box of THIS CALIBRE for LESS than $150 are dreaming. If you want cheaper dollies, FLIP the BOX. After flipping my Spidey box for $160, the figure itself ended up costing me just ten bucks!!! :lecture
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

If you’re really not happy about it, hit ‘em where it really hurts, in the wallet – don’t buy it.

Thats why DX Jack Sparrow will be my last HT figure. Even if they make a Darth Vader I'm passing (since he would probably be about $325.)
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I'm over HT like Arnold is over Skeletor. :p

If I win the lottery, I'm back in, like the Big A and the maid. :horror