Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys or Not?

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Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

These threads always revolve around price. Everything about HT is a starting point to talk about how expensive this hobby is for what is just some dolls. If it's such an issue then don't buy the damn things. The anger that some are feeling about being priced out of your beloved 12" figures is funny. "Why is HT doing this to me? they don't want me to buy anything else? no LSF Wolf Predator? no DC PFs like Joker? No masturbatory Vampirella or Jessica Rabbit? Why do I feel so trapped????? why can't I have it all???? what should I do????"

This whole thing is ridiculous. It all comes down to being more selective and focusing your collection. HT is not going to do it for you by lowering their prices or keeping everything nice and uniform at $150 for everything. They will keep hitting home runs because that's their job. They will charge you accordingly (because you always demand they do more and better) and steadily increase the price because that's their job. They want all your money. They make these things so good because they don't want you to collect anything else. That's their job. Accept the rules to the game and play the game...or not. The complaining in these threads is so tiresome. You can either afford this or you can't. All the market analysis, collector trend charts and psycho-analysis of "what is a toy" is pointless if you are trying to rationalize the continuous expensive purchases of non-essential goods.

It's time for people to man up or quit. If it's a nice HT offering but too expensive then pass. Afraid of missing out because the price will skyrocket even more out of your price range? Then you know what to do: work overtime, sell some stuff, cut back on going to the movies/dinner/trips/etc. Remember, you can always cancel what is probably and most likely an obscene amount of other preorders (flex paying multiple stuff is still obscene by the way) you got for all those sexy female statues or comic related pieces. It's time for collectors to take responsibility. Stop crying "it's not fair" with all this price talk. Look in the mirror and make some grown people choices.

Where are all the whining posts about the prices? Who's losing their ____ in this thread? You're not even quoting any posts. Outside of a couple true blue entitlement kids, the majority of posts are pretty much 'yeah the price increase a sucky pill to swallow —but I understand, I'm going to have to be more selective, I'm close to being priced out, ect'. General litmus test of where people are at :dunno

Did you read much of this thread? I've just reread the thing to make sure I wasn't crazy. Sounds like posters like the above are using this thread as a soap box to vent over posts in other threads that have really made them go WTF?! :monkey1
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Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

The higher the prices get, the least likely that I will actually buy. Sucks, but true. The prices are actually driving me away from the hobby.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

The thing with HT is there figures are amazing & there striving to better there selfs all the time. If they weren't improving & there prices kept rising then yeah it would annoy me but just take a look at there AWE Jack Sparrow & compare it to the new Dx version, everything has vastly improved. Your just got to be selective on what you buy & not get tempted by everything HT release.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

The way the prices are rising I can barely afford one of something let alone others. :lol:
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Thats why DX Jack Sparrow will be my last HT figure. Even if they make a Darth Vader I'm passing (since he would probably be about $325.)

Didn't Hot Toys help Sideshow with their Vader anyway?

So we already kind of have a Hot Toys Vader... At least that's how I'm justifying keeping mine while getting rid of all my other Sideshow SW stuff...
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Where are all the whining posts about the prices? Who's losing their ____ in this thread? You're not even quoting any posts.

Did you read much of this thread? I've just reread the thing to make sure I wasn't crazy. Sounds like posters like the above are using this thread as a soap box to vent over posts in other threads that have really made them go WTF?! :monkey1

I am not quoting anybody because that is also part of the problem. I am not here to start crap with any particular person and my point would be lost if I went back and forth with whoever I quoted. If someone reads what I posted and it resonates with them then great. They know who they are. This was one of the better threads where I found discussion has not (yet) turned to the nonsense you see in the 89 Joker thread for example.

Every HT thread you read is full of what I mentioned to some degree or another. It is here in this very thread also but in a not so "in your face" way so read more carefully if you missed it. I read the whole thing in one sitting so I know I am not completely off base by posting what I did here. I feel that when it comes to Hot Toys and this message board, the nitpicking and the complaining of stuff like price just sucks the life out of what could be fun discussion or the expectation of excitement after a very cool announcement. Sorting through the garbage posts is more of a chore than it should be.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

These threads always revolve around price. Everything about HT is a starting point to talk about how expensive this hobby is for what is just some dolls. If it's such an issue then don't buy the damn things. The anger that some are feeling about being priced out of your beloved 12" figures is funny. "Why is HT doing this to me? they don't want me to buy anything else? no LSF Wolf Predator? no DC PFs like Joker? No masturbatory Vampirella or Jessica Rabbit? Why do I feel so trapped????? why can't I have it all???? what should I do????"

This whole thing is ridiculous. It all comes down to being more selective and focusing your collection. HT is not going to do it for you by lowering their prices or keeping everything nice and uniform at $150 for everything. They will keep hitting home runs because that's their job. They will charge you accordingly (because you always demand they do more and better) and steadily increase the price because that's their job. They want all your money. They make these things so good because they don't want you to collect anything else. That's their job. Accept the rules to the game and play the game...or not. The complaining in these threads is so tiresome. You can either afford this or you can't. All the market analysis, collector trend charts and psycho-analysis of "what is a toy" is pointless if you are trying to rationalize the continuous expensive purchases of non-essential goods.

It's time for people to man up or quit. If it's a nice HT offering but too expensive then pass. Afraid of missing out because the price will skyrocket even more out of your price range? Then you know what to do: work overtime, sell some stuff, cut back on going to the movies/dinner/trips/etc. Remember, you can always cancel what is probably and most likely an obscene amount of other preorders (flex paying multiple stuff is still obscene by the way) you got for all those sexy female statues or comic related pieces. It's time for collectors to take responsibility. Stop crying "it's not fair" with all this price talk. Look in the mirror and make some grown people choices.


I 100% agree.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Price rises are turning me a little of, but the figures are awesome. I will still buy HT, but being more selective.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

These threads always revolve around price. Everything about HT is a starting point to talk about how expensive this hobby is for what is just some dolls. If it's such an issue then don't buy the damn things. The anger that some are feeling about being priced out of your beloved 12" figures is funny. "Why is HT doing this to me? they don't want me to buy anything else? no LSF Wolf Predator? no DC PFs like Joker? No masturbatory Vampirella or Jessica Rabbit? Why do I feel so trapped????? why can't I have it all???? what should I do????"

This whole thing is ridiculous. It all comes down to being more selective and focusing your collection. HT is not going to do it for you by lowering their prices or keeping everything nice and uniform at $150 for everything. They will keep hitting home runs because that's their job. They will charge you accordingly (because you always demand they do more and better) and steadily increase the price because that's their job. They want all your money. They make these things so good because they don't want you to collect anything else. That's their job. Accept the rules to the game and play the game...or not. The complaining in these threads is so tiresome. You can either afford this or you can't. All the market analysis, collector trend charts and psycho-analysis of "what is a toy" is pointless if you are trying to rationalize the continuous expensive purchases of non-essential goods.

It's time for people to man up or quit. If it's a nice HT offering but too expensive then pass. Afraid of missing out because the price will skyrocket even more out of your price range? Then you know what to do: work overtime, sell some stuff, cut back on going to the movies/dinner/trips/etc. Remember, you can always cancel what is probably and most likely an obscene amount of other preorders (flex paying multiple stuff is still obscene by the way) you got for all those sexy female statues or comic related pieces. It's time for collectors to take responsibility. Stop crying "it's not fair" with all this price talk. Look in the mirror and make some grown people choices.

Good post, but I"m still going to _____ about it because I'm poor. Seriously though I just hate that they're prices keep going up because I don't want them to make me pick or choose between a 1/6 figure or a PF statue. In my eyes a PF will always win no matter how awesome the figure is. It's just science.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I'm wondering if certain licenses are only restricted to have DX releases. It would be nice if for certain releases if they could do a DX version and eventually a MMS release. I don't know if that would be a major headache. For me to plunk down money on a DX figure I'd have to want the character in my collection insanely bad. What's weird to me is my Kevin Flynn cost me almost half what they want for the Joker and he came with two complete outfits and a light up stand. I know there isn't near the demand for Flynn as there is for a Nicholson Joker and Flynn's outfits are less complicated than the Joker's but I do wonder if there is a way to make people with different budgets for this stuff happy.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I'm sure there is too. With everything else on their plate I bet Hot Toys doesn't want to get too deep on yet another Batman lineup. With Begins, Dark Knight, and Dark Knight Rises coming I'm sure they have more than enough stuff to work on. Oh yeah, and 30 different Iron Man suits/variants.

The only problem is now that I know there will be an eventual DX release coming, why should I bother to buy any of the initial figures?? I just bought myself DX1 so now I own every Joker figure that was released from the Dark Knight. There's no chance I'll do this again for any of the upcoming Batman/Iron Man/Captain America/Green Lantern figures.
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Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Just to put things into perspective, here's the average wage per month for a few countries (source: Wikipedia, 2009/2010)...

USA: $ 4291
UK: $ 3604
France/Germany: roughly $ 3110
Japan: $ 2734
Poland: $ 1484
PRC: $ 898
HOTTOYS: roughly $200
Mexico: $ 147
Afghanistan: $ 76
Sierra Leone: $ 18
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Yeah, today's probably not the best day to get a lot of agreement here, since 2 of the greatest looking HT figures ever were released for pre-sale. But, I hear you. They are getting pretty ridiculously expensive.

Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I see no problem what so ever people complaining about's their money right?
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

While the cost of the license I'm sure factors in, I do wonder if they are more apt to up the price on figures people are more apt to consider to be be a "must have." Do they figure they can charge top prices for a Reeve Superman, Nicholson Joker, Keaton Batman, Depp Capt. Jack and a Indiana Jones becuase they figure people will pay extra to have those in their collection where as something from Tron, Sucker Punch or Resident Evil they know people would never pay those prices for those characters so the prices are lower.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Just to put things into perspective, here's the average wage per month for a few countries (source: Wikipedia, 2009/2010)...

USA: $ 4291
UK: $ 3604
France/Germany: roughly $ 3110
Japan: $ 2734
Poland: $ 1484
PRC: $ 898
HOTTOYS: roughly $200
Mexico: $ 147
Afghanistan: $ 76
Sierra Leone: $ 18

Sweet!! I'm only below the average by $50.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Just to put things into perspective, here's the average wage per month for a few countries (source: Wikipedia, 2009/2010)...

USA: $ 4291
UK: $ 3604
France/Germany: roughly $ 3110
Japan: $ 2734
Poland: $ 1484
PRC: $ 898
HOTTOYS: roughly $200
Mexico: $ 147
Afghanistan: $ 76
Sierra Leone: $ 18

Im mexican! :thud:
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I've enjoyed the read in here so far - interesting to get everyone's take on things..

As far as I'm concerned - while price increases are never really welcome, I have no issues with HT to be honest. As someone in the first few pages of this thread put it - if you want amazing high end 12" figures, be prepared to pay for them accordingly.

I'm extremely picky, & have a very short want list with a concentrated focus, so I'm never going to go broke collecting these figures. It's just about looking at the hobby practically.. & budgeting within your means.

You can't go wrong doing that. :)