OH hahahaha.
That's the biggest thing. Kids these days do not appreciate anything.
My 15 y/o son is a perfect example. We take him to concerts, movies, NASCAR races, Monster, Jam, etc... None of these things are free. Or cheap by any means. I do more things for and with my kids in one year than my parents ever did my whole time as a kid. Don't get me wrong. I don't spoil them. They don't really ask for much at all. I just try to give them things that I didn't get when I was growing up.
But when it comes time to help out around the house it is like pulling teeth. He doesn't want to do anything. And when he does I am usually having to follow behind him to make sure he does it right. No appreciation for the things we do. And that is not how he was raised. It is a shame. And it is nothing more than pure laziness.
What can you do?? The government won't let you beat em.
And everybody needs a good beating or 2 to have a chance at growing up proper,![]()
Oh man. That actually happened? Perfect example. I remember going to my niece's graduation from HS and one of the student's mom was saying how her daughter was upset and wouldn't talk to her for 2 weeks because she and her husband bought her a BMW for graduation - and she wanted a Benz.![]()
Does he WANT to go to all of those things, like NASCAR and MONSTER, or does he just go along with you because you are into it, so he can go somewhere with you? Have you ever asked him if he is really into that stuff? Parents tend to be quick to pay to take children to things THEY like themselves but are less inclined to pay for something only the child likes. Taking your child to something he picks out would definitely get him the message that you are doing something for him and he should be grateful. If you want to see a movie, you basically have to take your children along too, or risk looking like a jerk.
You should give him an allowance based upon doing chores. No performance= no money.
I always had to earn money from my parents. Mowing lawns or washing cars. They paid me small, too.
I see. I guess you spoke to your wife about this. The only thing I can see now is to try and reason with him. Use a little guilt. BTW, I used to see NASCAR races at Dover Downs with my father way back. I'm from Delaware.We are all into NASCAR. I have permanent seats for Dover for 17 years. Three years ago we added a ticket so he could go to the fall race. If he had it his way he would go to both. Monster Jam is his thing. We all have a good time when we go but it is primarily for him. When we took a vacation to the OBX two years ago we made a surprise stop at the Grave Digger shop. It just so happened Dennis Anderson, the driver of Grave Digger, was there that day. He got his autograph and picture taken with him. It was the highlight of the trip for him. Concerts are a family thing too. We go to several but he and my daughter don't go to them all.
As far as allowance we have chosen not to do that because when he goes to his mothers they give him money for doing anything. He has it in his head now that in order to help out around the house he should get paid for it. It is not my obligation as a parent to pay him for helping out around the house. I have custody. I put a roof over his head, clothes on his back and food in his mouth. And get very little financial help from his mother.
I see. I guess you spoke to your wife about this. The only thing I can see now is to try and reason with him. Use a little guilt. What would he expect of him if he were you? BTW, I used to see NASCAR races at Dover Downs with my father way back. I'm from Delaware.
The only thing that does is tell your child you disagree, and they knew that before you beat them. It doesn't prove you or your point of view is RIGHT. You have to prove your point of view is right to them in a way they understand and then they will comply. If you beat your kids into obedience without proving you are right, you are teaching them it is ok to beat someone to get them to comply with your wishes, whatever they might be. "Give me your lunch money", hit someone because of something they said, or use force to get women to have sex with you. It plants a seed that leads to a very slippery slope.
Almost sounds like it would be cool to beat them as long as you thoroughly validate your point of view.![]()
Then keep complaining that will improve things. I'm not saying to sit and teach everyone, I'm saying instead of complaining simply point them in the right direction. There are members here that instead of ridiculing new members they help, that's all it takes.
1) I didn't start this thread to imply that ALL new collectors are historically brats. That wouldn't make sense since we were all new at some point. I'm stating the observation that the recent breed of new collectors have been/are noticeably bratty.
2) There's nothing I can teach a newbie who rather than asking for help with something - is demanding it like he is entitled to have it. I'm generally pretty helpful almost to a fault. But I have my limits too.
3) I also should point out that the bratty behavior I complain about were exhibited on the HT FB page(s). I haven't experienced that much of the brat behavior on SSF.
Oh man. That actually happened? Perfect example. I remember going to my niece's graduation from HS and one of the student's mom was saying how her daughter was upset and wouldn't talk to her for 2 weeks because she and her husband bought her a BMW for graduation - and she wanted a Benz.![]()
This is kind of a generalization. Can you elaborate on this?