Really? I think Season 7 was one of my least favorites. There was some great episodes, but I don't know.
Can't wait for season 8 though.
Season 7 broke down pretty evenly for me: a few super highs, a few great eps, and a handful of okay ones. Some of the episodes are some of my favorites, and it had some of the best
moments, but overall I think it might rank lower for me as well. But that comes with a big asterisk - a "low" season of Sunny still stomps almost every other comedy.
I'd tier them:
Amazing - Jersey Shore, Little Beauties (the diddle song
destroys me, and makes me rewind it 5x every time), Storm of the Century ("the implication!"), Chardee MacDennis, Thunder Gun
Very Good - Pretty Woman, Audited (the casket might be the darkest thing I've laughed at in a sitcom possibly ever), Anti-Social Network, Reunion (the dance scene would have gotten more credit if a similar joke hadn't already been used on Workaholics).
Okay - Frank's Brother (though "19!" kills me every time), Trapped, How Mac Got Fat