It's Time For Lando!!!

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NightCreeper said:

:lol :lol :lol
:rotfl IRISH is gonna love this thread.

Let's start with a Bespin scoundrel Lando and then maybe progress to a Skiff Guard disguised Lando for our Jabba displays. I'm sure that Lando is on the way-- but with the obvious focus of the pre-orders this year being the ANH story I think we might have to wait until 2008 to see an announcement. But start the petition Tom... I'll sign (and I'll sign IRISH's name as well----:D ).
jedibear said:
Actually, I'd like a "Skiff Guard" Lando first, to continue my Jabba set-up...

I agree. Skiff Guard Lando in the 12" line and a Bespin Lando PF.

(They can make a Bespin Lando 12" down the road when they have a few more Bespin versions of the main characters.)
I can count her as at least 5 with all the openings she has...


I need a Lando figure bad, although I really only want the Bespin version in 12". I would maybe get the Skiff version since I've already got Leia and everyone one else... but the best is still Bespin!

Lando!!! Lando!!! Lando!!!​
Thyis is the third or fourth Lando thread and for good reason...

I want my Lando!!!
i think lando in skiff guard disguise would be my first choice followed by him in his esb duds.


I do have to say that Bespin Lando would be my first choice for the 12" line....of course followed by Skiff Lando:D
"finishing up a magic show"... that's good stuff!

i would rather see they make Lando over "Wet Han" but hell, lets get some Imperial representation first! plenty of "non armored" friendlies to tackle...
I would consider a Skiff Guard Lando PF (though I think he is more likely to be seen in the 12" line that way), otherwise I think I would pass.

The collector in me wants Skiff Lando 1/6 to add more to the amazing Jabba group, but the Star Wars fan in me wants ESB Lando or General Calrissian in 1/6.
MaulFan said:
The collector in me wants Skiff Lando 1/6 to add more to the amazing Jabba group, but the Star Wars fan in me wants ESB Lando or General Calrissian in 1/6.

Does the tactician in you want a General Lando? :lol
That PF would be sweet like butter!!! :D

Who says you can't make time for Land O'?? ;)