Freaked Out
or dusty....
or Snow Job, he's been in development awhile now...
or dusty....
Eco Warriors.
Scrap Iron before Major Bludd? Bollocks.
Knowing + stopping pollution = EEEEEEEEPIC FAAAIIIIIIIIII...L....L...LLLL.
Apparently Hasbro felt that they were losing the older children to Nintendo and Sega so they brightened up the colors and went after the younger kids that were still buying up Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers.
...went after the younger kids that were still buying up Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers.
Eco-Warriors may have been the beginning of the end, but Cesspool was a cool looking character...
Eco Warriors were seven bucks? Yeeesh! That must be a Kay-Bee Toys price sticker. Overpriced-cause-we-can't-afford-the-mall-rent bastards.
I never owned Major Bludd as a kid. Low priority. Scrap Iron was in my top 5 figures.
Interesting. I am completely opposite of that. I jumped into JOE in '82 and Major Bludd was my first mailaway figure (followed by Hooded Cobra Commander).
Destro, Commander, and Bludd have always been my main Cobra baddies. He was also quite profound in the Larry Hama comics at the time, too. I still remember how shocked I was when he killed General Flagg while escaping Joe headquarters and then shot that one Cobra soldier in the back so he could steal the F.A.N.G. copter. Then there was all the Baroness stuff. Bludd was a great and instrumental RAH character. If Sideshow doesn't make him it's a clear FAIL.
Toss in Baroness and these are the main baddies for me