Nerf Herder
We're not getting crap tonight.
lol, I didn't mean I'd PREFER the Devil's Due look (black sweater, watch cap) for Shipwreck, just that it would seem more appropriate to how the line is going. You know, all "realistic/modern" and what not.
I just don't see them going for the classic look, that's all. If they do I'd be pleasantly surprised.
Realistic/modern would be that new digital blue Tigerstripe the Navy's experimenting with. Though, while that helps camoflage the seamen, how the ____ are you supposed to see them if they fall overboard or need air rescue?![]()
Also, they are on a giant ship. you will see the ship before you even see the personnel.
No, tonight is the night they announce that Flint is shipping soon. Next week will be the annoncement that you can get on the waitlist for the exclusive. The week after that will be the announcement that the regular is in-stock.
The announcement for Stalker will be during Spooktacular.
Spooktacular will give us a silhouette teaser of Stalker. Preview and preorder will be early February.
Crimson CC vs. Timber dio will be next week.
The ACU is good if you are prone on a gravel road..or a couch like that one pic that was floating around. ABU is def. worthless. I just looked over the Navy Stripe Camo..that is retarded too. I felt very exposed in the digi camo. Not a fan. Much prefer the desert storm style uni.
Also...according to the higher ups in the military, we the soldiers designed the new ACU. HA!
Hot Toys are pumping out new figures daily. Sideshow just pumping out statues and the only figures are the funny looking Disney figures. Seriously does anybody buy these Disney figures? Big Boa, Croc Master, Doc, Quick Kick, Spearhead would be nice. Or give us the arctic Cobra Ninja, better yet the just Timber only.
Hmmm. Last I heard the general who approved ACUs and the XM8 project was pending investigation and possible court martial for taking bribes. The charge for ACUs is pending decision regarding the results of the MultiCam testing in Afghanistan (for potential replacement). Was that just rumor mill?
The current ACU sticks out like a sore thumb. Sometimes i would see troops in the cities who looked like they were glowing due to the contrast of the tan buildings in the combat area.
Sorry, misspoke. Put Casey in there as the General who approved XM8. Dont think it was him.