Its time for the next Joe!

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Did you hear? Hot toys has abandoned batman and Star Wars becuase they haven't shown us a new figure in development in 6 months.

I'm not trying to be a *******.. But you guys do realize how silly this sounds, right?

Discussing the lack of Joes in a thread titled Its time for the next Joe. How horrible. :slap

Not trying to be a *******, but yeah, you sound like a *******. :dunno
Did you hear? Hot toys has abandoned batman and Star Wars becuase they haven't shown us a new figure in development in 6 months.

I'm not trying to be a *******.. But you guys do realize how silly this sounds, right?

You do know how ridiculous it sounds to use the lack of a preorder as positive evidence that a line is still alive, right? :lol

Whether something has been "abandoned" officially or not is pretty much irrelevant if the end effect is only 1 or 2 figures per year. At that point, who cares if its just barely breathing?
Discussing the lack of Joes in a thread titled Its time for the next Joe. How horrible. :slap

Not trying to be a *******, but yeah, you sound like a *******. :dunno

No, this is me being a *******. Stop the whining like a bunch of spoiled children that your favorite line isn't getting a new per order every week. We know products are in production, the line isn't dead.
You do know how ridiculous it sounds to use the lack of a preorder as positive evidence that a line is still alive, right? :lol

Whether something has been "abandoned" officially or not is pretty much irrelevant if the end effect is only 1 or 2 figures per year. At that point, who cares if its just barely breathing?

That'd be everyone else besides you who still care about and order the figures sideshow does release apparently. We know the line is fine, because we know sideshow is still actively developing new figures.
We also know, from sideshow, that all of their 1/6 linez are expierencing a slowdown in releases to better accommodate their development team, and their overall QC. Its fine if people are unhappy about it. Its fine if people want to discuss the lack of figures. But saying that no new PR orders, when we have had all the info I've mentioned above, is venturing into tinfoil hat territory.

Additionally, it can spread to disinformation to people who don't know better, leading to them deciding to not buy any future releases, which will actually lead to the death of the line.

Or to put it more simply. Chill out bro. The sun did not die, its just night time. It'll be back on in the morning.
No, this is me being a *******. Stop the whining like a bunch of spoiled children that your favorite line isn't getting a new per order every week. We know products are in production, the line isn't dead.

That'd be everyone else besides you who still care about and order the figures sideshow does release apparently. We know the line is fine, because we know sideshow is still actively developing new figures.
We also know, from sideshow, that all of their 1/6 linez are expierencing a slowdown in releases to better accommodate their development team, and their overall QC. Its fine if people are unhappy about it. Its fine if people want to discuss the lack of figures. But saying that no new PR orders, when we have had all the info I've mentioned above, is venturing into tinfoil hat territory.

Additionally, it can spread to disinformation to people who don't know better, leading to them deciding to not buy any future releases, which will actually lead to the death of the line.

Or to put it more simply. Chill out bro. The sun did not die, its just night time. It'll be back on in the morning.

Are you replcaing Josh as the resident SSC apologist?

Dude, we havent had a pre order in almost a year....

Were not whining, were tired of waiting and getting older by the day.

You might want to collect when your 50, but I dont
Not an apologist. Facts are facts.

Sideshow TOLD us every line was going to slow down to 4-5 figures a YEAR at MOST. EXCLUDING variants. This is an established fact.
There are new figures in development. This is an established fact. We are expecting to see THREE new preorders at or around sdcc in two months. This is an established fact.
Discussing that topic, saying you dislike that decision is fine. Having no patience, and dropping the line is also fine.

Making up crazy theories about the sky falling because they're not putting out a new Pre order every week is just asinine.

The new josh? No.
The new Nam calling out a bunch of impatient whiners for being crybabies? Possibly.

Am I planning to stop collecting when I'm 50? No chance. I'm not a bandwagoner, I'm not going to jump to the next shiny thing either. Born in 82, I'm a lifelong fan of joe during the up times, and the down times. I'll stop collecting when I'm dead.

And in the mean time, I'll make customs, and get caught up on my backlog of figures.

If this viewpoint offends you, sorry. But to me this near constant griping is ridiculous, given the facts we know from sideshow.
Are you replcaing Josh as the resident SSC apologist?

Dude, we havent had a pre order in almost a year....

Were not whining, were tired of waiting and getting older by the day.

You might want to collect when your 50, but I dont


I want to buy now while the prices are still low :lol (sarcasm on the prices)

I'd like to buy Destro before he reaches the $199.99 or more asking prices that are likely coming in the next couple years (if the line even sticks around that long)

Yes,we know Sideshow "claims" they are working on more Joes with no real proof other than talk from a Sideshow rep who is not even sure when we'll see a pre-order.(but the figures look awesome ;))

They teased us with a CC Helmet and clothes/boots.....Woopity Doooooo!!!! (and still no new pre-order since October 2012)

SDCC is right around the corner and no real evidence of anything else new but Cobra Commander, while Sideshow has revealed Starwars 1/6 figures of Yoda,another Clone trooper,Darth Malgus and shortly the new Darth Vader all on pre-order.

There is so MANY,MANY,MANY more characters they could do,but they decide to let the line take a backseat to the DC line who all has but ONE reveal/pre-order since the SDCC showing :lol...yeah the DC line is is on fire too :lol

I don't want to be collecting these at age 50 (like deeznutz said) and Tired of waiting is right as we are not getting younger and our interests change and tend to move on...we love the line,we want more joes as we are GI Joe fans willing to give Sideshow our money for these figures

Its just that simple!
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Not an apologist. Facts are facts.

Sideshow TOLD us every line was going to slow down to 4-5 figures a YEAR at MOST. EXCLUDING variants. This is an established fact.
There are new figures in development. This is an established fact. We are expecting to see THREE new preorders at or around sdcc in two months. This is an established fact.
Discussing that topic, saying you dislike that decision is fine. Having no patience, and dropping the line is also fine.

Making up crazy theories about the sky falling because they're not putting out a new Pre order every week is just asinine.

The new josh? No.
The new Nam calling out a bunch of impatient whiners for being crybabies? Possibly.

Sure,Sideshow says alot of things :lol and doesn't deliver on time ever ;).

as far as expecting pre-orders at SDCC...we don't definitely know that.Where was the Major Bludd and Baroness pre-orders then when shown??

they might SHOW figures at SDCC,but doesn't mean the pre-order at that time is guaranteed.(even Sideshow tells you that).That means a longer wait...

figures shown it takes 9 months till the product is in hand (an even longer wait time)

the sky isn't falling,but Sideshow destroying the momentum of the line is
my original point still stands though. we haven't had a Hot toys Star Wars preorder in over a year. WE haven't had a Hot toys batman pre-order in over 6 months, yet i don't see " the line is ending" on those, so why here?
No, this is me being a *******. Stop the whining like a bunch of spoiled children that your favorite line isn't getting a new per order every week. We know products are in production, the line isn't dead.

You're whining like a spoiled child because you don't like what others have to say about the product or lack thereof? At least we're actually whining about the board topic. Maybe you should start a private forum titled crying like a punk because you don't like others opinions on SSC lack of Joe previews.

Jesus, can't we just discuss SSC and military figures without some random internet loudmouth interjecting his thoughts on our thoughts? :cuckoo: the bottom line on the **** your spouting really has nothing to do with Joes or this board, just you being mad at others expressing their opinions.
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my original point still stands though. we haven't had a Hot toys Star Wars preorder in over a year. WE haven't had a Hot toys batman pre-order in over 6 months, yet i don't see " the line is ending" on those, so why here?

Because everyone knows Hot Toys has 5000 different Iron Mans in production and everything else has been delayed because of it? What's Sideshow's excuse? There isn't one. They need to get their $#!+ together or pass the license on to more competent hands.
Because everyone knows Hot Toys has 5000 different Iron Mans in production and everything else has been delayed because of it? What's Sideshow's excuse? There isn't one. They need to get their $#!+ together or pass the license on to more competent hands.

You're whining like a spoiled child because you don't like what others have to say about the product or lack thereof? At least we're actually whining about the board topic. Maybe you should start a private forum titled crying like a punk because you don't like others opinions on SSC lack of Joe previews.

Jesus, can't we just discuss SSC and military figures without some random internet loudmouth interjecting his thoughts on our thoughts? :cuckoo: the bottom line on the **** your spouting really has nothing to do with Joes or this board, just you being mad at others expressing their opinions.

Pot calling kettle much?

If my complaining about your complaining makes you complain, then clearly were both running in the special Olympics.
Because everyone knows Hot Toys has 5000 different Iron Mans in production and everything else has been delayed because of it? What's Sideshow's excuse? There isn't one. They need to get their $#!+ together or pass the license on to more competent hands.

They already told us a few years ago.
They slowed down on new releases across all lines to accommodate the inclusion of DC Comics figures, as well as the roumored walking dead line.
This is being done to allow for sideshow to spread their team around, and get figures from each line out, and allows them to improve overall QC, as well as overall product quality.

I will say, teemu makes an excellent point, however, that this will allow for an increase in price, which blows goats, and continues to stretch the limits of the rapidly thinning "1/6 bubble".
Pot calling kettle much?

If my complaining about your complaining makes you complain, then clearly were both running in the special Olympics.

Big difference being, you started **** where there was none, anyone else is just defending against your ridiculous crap, the fact that you can't see the difference pretty much shows where your level of intellect lies. Stick that in your pot and kettle. :lecture
If you have to start a sentence saying you don't want to sound like a *******... :lol
I don't really see why we can't voice that we want to see more production on the Joe line and why it irks you?
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Big difference being, you started **** where there was none, anyone else is just defending against your ridiculous crap, the fact that you can't see the difference pretty much shows where your level of intellect lies. Stick that in your pot and kettle. :lecture
If you have to start a sentence saying you don't want to sound like a *******... :lol
I don't really see why we can't voice that we want to see more production on the Joe line and why it irks you?

I think you need to check your reading comprehension before you start talking about people's intellect brother.

I never said that you can't voice your opinion that you want to see more figures released faster. In fact, I said that its fine if you wanted to.

I said that claiming that because they're not putting them out fast enough means they've secretly canceled the line is really very silly. The specific post was meant very tongue in cheek, and used an intentionally outrageous example of two other lines that haven't had preorders in just as long, if not longer. The reason? It was the intentional use of satire to draw a point to how silly it is to declare a line canceled based on circumstantial evidence, when we know the opposite to be true.

To simplify, and hopefully defuse any further vitriol from spewing from either one of us ( as generally you're a fairly cool guy)

We know that more batmans and Star Wars are coming. We don't know when, but we know they are.
We also know more joes and cobras are in the works. We don't know when, but they are coming.

Becuase we know this, that means we know the lines are not over/canceled/sabotaged/abducted by aliens/etc

To paraphrase your rather unnecessarily insulting remark, The fact that you can't get that from what I've posted thus far pretty much shows where your level of intellect lies. (This is meant to also be tongue firmly in cheek)

Would it be chill if more of them were released faster? Certainly.
Do I care one way or ther other if you voice your opinion on how often you want them released? Nope. Be my guest. Feel free to bemoan the breaking of the rhythm, that is caused inherently by the line slowing its release schedule.

Perhaps I could have been more clear with my point from the get-go. Perhaps my original point came across with more barbs than intended. I'm not here to hurl insults at people, ( hence my comment about trying not to sound like a *******) as it generally accomplishes nothing.

with my point, and intent spelled out as clear as I can possibly make it ( I think), do you, at the very least see where I'm coming from?

With Major Bludd in the bag, if we can get Baroness, Destro, Scarlett and Lady Jaye, then we will have all the core characters of the line.

We can make everyone else ourselves.
Are we presenting stuff that Sideshow said as "facts" now?

So then the 1/6 Indy line is still going, Sideshow is gonna do more LotR figures once the hobbits sell through, Sideshow is gonna finish the F13 figures, Pinhead PF coming soon.....we can do this all day.

The only fact is that Sideshow says a lot of stuff :lol
Lerath, I see where you're coming from and thats great and all, but honestly, the thread title is Its time for the next Joe. People are going to vent their frustrations in here until the next preview drops. You are right though, me trying to make it into a pissing match because I felt criticized doesn't get the discussion going anywhere either.

I know people have done the math, yadda, yadda, and say the release timings are pretty spot on, but when you see all the content coming out it does make the Joe line seem a little light at the moment unless you're a collector of the HT movie series as well, which I'm not.

Maybe I should just concentrate on my custom Joes and it wouldn't be so frustrating, I've had a mostly naked Airborne on my desk for quite a long time. :lol
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