Big difference being, you started **** where there was none, anyone else is just defending against your ridiculous crap, the fact that you can't see the difference pretty much shows where your level of intellect lies. Stick that in your pot and kettle.

If you have to start a sentence saying you don't want to sound like a *******...

I don't really see why we can't voice that we want to see more production on the Joe line and why it irks you?
I think you need to check your reading comprehension before you start talking about people's intellect brother.
I never said that you can't voice your opinion that you want to see more figures released faster. In fact, I said that its fine if you wanted to.
I said that claiming that because they're not putting them out fast enough means they've secretly canceled the line is really very silly. The specific post was meant very tongue in cheek, and used an intentionally outrageous example of two other lines that haven't had preorders in just as long, if not longer. The reason? It was the intentional use of satire to draw a point to how silly it is to declare a line canceled based on circumstantial evidence, when we know the opposite to be true.
To simplify, and hopefully defuse any further vitriol from spewing from either one of us ( as generally you're a fairly cool guy)
We know that more batmans and Star Wars are coming. We don't know when, but we know they are.
We also know more joes and cobras are in the works. We don't know when, but they are coming.
Becuase we know this, that means we know the lines are not over/canceled/sabotaged/abducted by aliens/etc
To paraphrase your rather unnecessarily insulting remark, The fact that you can't get that from what I've posted thus far pretty much shows where your level of intellect lies. (This is meant to also be tongue firmly in cheek)
Would it be chill if more of them were released faster? Certainly.
Do I care one way or ther other if you voice your opinion on how often you want them released? Nope. Be my guest. Feel free to bemoan the breaking of the rhythm, that is caused inherently by the line slowing its release schedule.
Perhaps I could have been more clear with my point from the get-go. Perhaps my original point came across with more barbs than intended. I'm not here to hurl insults at people, ( hence my comment about trying not to sound like a *******) as it generally accomplishes nothing.
with my point, and intent spelled out as clear as I can possibly make it ( I think), do you, at the very least see where I'm coming from?