Did you see the Bad Robot logo at the end?
Nope, but it ended with Joshua Jackson sorta walking away from current Olivia, saying he needs his version?
Yeah, good episode. I had a feeling the Nina locked up with Olivia was the impostor. It was cool to see her bionic arm again.
What's the deal with the four week hiatus?
Yep, that's how it ended.
Btw, I was hoping Olivia would shoot the portal device to keep Jones from crossing over. Oh, well...I guess he had to escape.
That's my question. Why four weeks until a new episode?![]()
Sweeps just ended. And the show is so serialized they don't think repeats will get any viewers. 4 weeks puts us at the end of the season on the calendar - so those could be the final episodes of Fringe.
Great episode! Glad to see Olivia and Peter back together!
Next week looks beast! Like that pun?
Yep, truly digging the show and they did resolve the Peter thing like I expected. They used this device to make sweeping changes and this is the show's reality now moving forward. They made Walter too independent, they wanted to get Nina in the show more, they wanted to introduce Link as competition for Peter - just do a time line reset!
They should use this on sitcoms all the time when they jump the shark.
Hmmm...anyone here still watching Fringe?
I missed last weeks episode but last night's episode was pretty cool!![]()
Still watching!
Very sad when Alternate Lincoln died in last weeks episode.