1) Why the hell would the guy blow up the Starfleet archives after his kid was cured? Cure the kid then notify Starfleet. -------I guess Khan could say "If I don't see the archives blow then I will kill your wife and daughter"
2) Khans magic blood. ----- I did not hate that but yes it ruined any sort of drama as you knew what was coming.
3) Khan was never as clever / impressive as they made him out to be. He was a physical badass, but we really didn't get to see his 'superior intellect'. When he surrendered I thought it would be all part of his plan and he would steal the Enterprise like in 'Space Seed', but that never even came close to happening. -------To be honest he was not all that cleaver in TWOK. I don't remember Space Seed well enough to remember much about his advance intellect.
4) Robocop didn't do any thing for me. ------Agree 100% As soon as he asked Kirk to deliver the torpedo attack I knew that he was the bad guy and unfortunately he was not a very good bad guy.
5) Was Carol's only purpose in the movie to be in her bra and panties in that one scene? It seems like if you deleted her from the movie entirely, there would be very little impact. -------Carol Marcus' role did sort of suck. She was cool in TWOK. On the other hand I am not complaining about Bra and panties
6) The radiation chamber role reversal: I appreciate what they did there but the whole time I kept thinking about Khan's magic healing blood and it diffused the impact. -------Personally I hated this. HATED IT. It meant something in TWOK. Kirk and Spock had been friends for years. There was a history. In this one they had only know each other for like what...a year? Also TWOK had the ***** to actually kill him and not bring him back. Due to the magic blood everyone and the mother knew that this death meant nothing.
7) Why did they have to capture Kahn alive at the end? They had 70-some other genetic supermen with magic blood. They even thawed one out to put Kirk in. That was my question. --------I guess that since Khan's Blood was proven they wanted to use him. Perhaps the others did not have magic blood.
8) Why did they beam down 2 people to get Khan? Why was one of them Uhura? Send down twenty people. Also why couldn't they lock onto Khan and beam him up when they beamed up moving targets in the first movie? I understand transporters and warp drives are all plot devices, but they really stretched it in this movie.-------- Lots of questions you asked that did not bother me. To be honest I sort of checked out of this film as soon as Spock yelled "Khaaaaaaaaann!!
9) The Enterprise: It was just a big punching bag the whole movie. ------ YES!!! That drove me crazy!!!! I hated that!!!
10) The 3D: It was good in the action shots, but a lot of the movie is extreme close-ups of the actors' faces. ----- Saw it in 2D. I hate 3D
11) So they have Kirk get demoted in the beginning of the movie just to have him get assigned as first officer. Then two minutes later, Pike dies and Kirk is Captain again. Okaaaay.... -------Ahhhh who cares about all of that