Statue J Scott Campbell Classic Spiderman Comiquette

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Floating lower foot was quite a common issue.
Even if a statue is opened and checked I doubt they actually put it together.

Hope they sort you out but I think partial refund or return is their goto now.


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Yup, I knew it! It's the QC letter. Aren't you glad they checked your item?! Lol
Yeah, the quality on this one seems to be all over the place, while I got a good one, it is a bear to get that peg in. When I set it up again, I'm going to try a little wd40.

Too bad, I think it's an awesome piece.
Getting this one on the base is quite difficult.
My new body was a thight fit and I really struggled to get it back out without breaking something.
Getting this one on the base is quite difficult.
My new body was a thight fit and I really struggled to get it back out without breaking something.

I have never had to exert so much force getting a piece in/out than I did with this one. I wasn't even setting it up, just doing a QC check. I can easily see how you could damage it accidentally. It was really stuck and took an inordinate amount of force to back it out. All I can say is, to anyone else picking this up, take your time and be careful.
Yeah, I'm afraid to take mine apart for fear that the metal peg breaks the back of the foot off.
My LCS sucks major wang... This statue will sit on their shelf for 2 years before they consider a sale or discount. $299.99 or nothing they said.