Jabbas goons?

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I forgot about squid face!!!!!!

as far as the Rebo band... only the first version... non of that add crap from the re released version!!!
I could be tempted by a Max Rebo Band... but like the others said the original, not with that crummy furball.

I could see if they did the band making him the exclusive, and it would be the first one I would buy the regular on general principle!
I hope SS makes these two some day


Look at em, so cute 'n cuddly.
B'Omarr Monk.

I would hope that B'Omarr Monk is a likely candidate for the SS 1/6 treatment.

They could do the goo like on Jabbas frog bowl.

Note to SSC....

Just don't use that flimsy cheap plastic.....
.....you used for Holo-Sidious walker :stick........;)......:D
Max Rebo Band must be made!! Mikey that guard kicks all sorts of ass. I wish I could win that auction but I have a feeling that the price is gonna go way high on this one!
I would love to see SSC revisiting the Jabba scene. If more were to reponse to this thread they might just decide to do so!
One less I have to wait for SSC to do.

(by Customikey)


To see more pics....just visit his thread in the custom gallery.

One less I have to wait for SSC to do.

(by Customikey)


To see more pics....just visit his thread in the custom gallery.


I saw the rest of the images. Simply awesome.

Let's hope in time SSC can make one of similiar quality.
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