The prints came in Friday afternoon, mom sewed one up for us, I photoshoped the jeans on, and a shot of the painted no neck head.
So my plan to use a Thor body was died today. It turns out it is not a true Wolverine body but a hybrid of a Wolverine and a Perseus so I am looking to get either a Dastan or a Comedian instead. Which do you guys think would look best based on skin tone? The Dastan is more tan while the Comedian seems to be more pale. Thoughts?
Personally, I wouldn't mind if the boots (which I assume will be produced in the same material as the heads) were sculpted so Jack could stand with his legs slightly apart, feet close to the edge of the display stand, and articulation be darned. I'm going to be displaying him in the 'ol poster pose (gonna have to dig up a CB mike.)
- MJ