I thought this was a solid film. Saw this with my wife and a few of my friends and we all enjoyed it.
I looked at the film of satire on the beauty industry that poked fun at men and women. Cause let’s face it. Women try to look great for other women also. Look at all the facelifts and Botox in Hollywood. It causes the women to look almost unrecognizable at times.
Most the time the beauty standard is set by women. How many times do we have to hear Men say “we prefer more natural voluptuous women.” And yet we watch Hollywood and the model industry starve themselves into skeletons to look good for what I can only assume is other woman. Then there is all the clown make up woman wear when most men I know prefer natural beauty.
And yes, Hollywood has its own issues with casting older women. How many times do we see a 50 to 60 year-old male actor ‘s love interest be a woman that is half his age?
This film wasn’t really all that gross until the end. And what an ending. Fans of over the top 80s horror rejoice.
It’s not a film for everyone, but it was a film for me lol