Agreed good sir. Like I said I'm my earlier post, this looks like a stylized cartoon/art book kind of version of Depl as Sparrow to me. Only wish we could get a jacket like this in 1/6
In regard to the first PF, again, agreed. I really wanted to buy just to repaint it and weather up the clothes. Was also goin to take off the rings and black band on the left arm that SS gave him to make him into a Definitive COTBP Jack Sparrow, then probably sell him off unless I liked the end result too much to sell
No Depp in that at all imo.
Looks like any run of the mill 20 something at Halloween in a Jack Sparrow costume.
You probably would end up keeping it. Lol.
I know I had a hard time parting with mine. When I sold mine, it was only cause that's when I decided to try to stick to 1/6.
I figured I'd be happy once I get the hot toys.
I took the box from the storage and I think it sat in my room for at least 5 weeks cause I couldn't box him up.
He certainly had a presence. I remember every time I get a visitor,
Their face would light up when they see it.
Yea I was on the verge of buying him. BBTS had him on clearance for only $216 for the longest time but as you know I was jobless then once I got the first check, it was sold out I'm tempted to get the Dastan PF they have on clearance (if it still there that is ) and fix him up. Mostly the hair and paint are what's making that piece lose it's potential IMO
This is buy it would look great against my first gen jack sparrow a must pre order, just one question what is the difference between the premium format and the exclusive edition?