Don’t think balloon man big it’s workable.
If I could change one thing about the head it would be to slim the temples are of his head. I think that’s where the large feeling is mostly coming from as it’s comparable to other HT heads vertically.
Since I Art Directed this head, I know all the rounds of changes we asked for we had to call it a day at a certain point it’s only fair to the artist as you could go on forever and ever. I would have slimmed the sides of the head and made the eyes slightly smaller in retrospect.
Not deal breakers by any means as this is now the one to beat in terms of Daniel Craig sculpts by an amazingly talented sculptor.
The BR joker body has the same old same old TT legs. Biceps and shoulders from the HT advanced body and the torso from the coulson body. I might have had a similar result from the HT advanced body but I don’t have those anymore.
I first tried it on the HT Neo body and it looked good but his shoulders are more narrow so it didn’t really offset the head too much. Plus his arms are shorter and that did not help with one of the many problems with this tux: that the sleeves are too long
Here’s an unflattering workbench short of the setup I mentioned. It made the size of the head more palatable to me. What I posted yesterday was admittedly scaled to flatter the BBkill head which is a bit undersized.View attachment 456051
That HS still looks a bit big to me. The Black Box, although a tiny bit small worked best out of any of them and really did look like Craig.
I think you have your Jokers mixed up, the Bank Robber Joker came out before the DX did. The body you describe sounds to me like the second DX which had the same type of accessories as the Bank Robber. A far earlier body than the Coulson which was a complete new type.
This one looks small in relations to the suit
That Yunsil Tux is really nice but the proportions
are not great. The shoulder fit is odd, arms
Are short and very tight with pants super long.
I will show you guys the new “ Skyfall Instanbul Suit”
when it is ready with the new DC sculpt!![]()
Nope it was indeed bank robber joker! 2.0 of course.
Sadly it sold out almost instantly
same!It was made by Mina Yu apparently. Kind of irked to have missed it, let alone not seeing it until now.