I KNEW i had seen that sculpt before! Yeah, its an excellent sculpt!
I KNEW i had seen that sculpt before! Yeah, its an excellent sculpt!
Great work on these W!
£32.99 for a Matchbox Renault!?
I guess it takes a diehard fan to even collect the bad ones.
I look back upon the previous 1:6 offerings from Sideshow from when the license was active. Many of us thought the offerings from were fabulous, but then it dawned upon us that a good bit of it was sub-par in comparison to the level of detail & quality we're accustomed to and demanding nowadays as collectors & customers for our hard earned 1:6 $.
I wish there would have been some more definitive (i.e. higher detailed & quality) 1:6 offerings from this license and given the same level or attention & respect such as HOT TOYS BRUCE LEE ENTER THE DRAGON set from over a year ago to use as an example.
I'm sure somewhere down the line the JB 007 license will be looked at again for the 1:6 treatment, but done better and right . . . while raping our bank accounts & wallets much to our dismay, but quite a few of us will cave in . . . as usual.