James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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I'm really curious what people will think of this tomorrow. I have no take on it myself. Nothing I've seen so fas has got me excited though, other than knowing Cameron is back behind the camera.

Well the FX are impressive, the rest kinda meh!

Its a 2 min. trailer with about 2 words in it, what the hell is there to judge other than the FX :lol.
Could you do better?;) Doubt it
Unlike other Directors, James has actually earned some benifit of the doubt.
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Aww, did my comment hurt your feelings?

I've read synopis of the movie, the story itself is a basic one already used in lots of movies. I'm a fan of Cameron and will be seeing it here like everyone else.

Aww, did my comment hurt your feelings?

I've read synopis of the movie, the story itself is a basic one already used in lots of movies. I'm a fan of Cameron and will be seeing it here like everyone else.

Swing and a miss.....:rotfl

Whats the budget on this movie??
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