Super Freak
I think I remember reading November but if this is being rereleased in cinemas I don't know now.
Correct with the additional 8 minutes that they will be showing in the cinemas.
I think I remember reading November but if this is being rereleased in cinemas I don't know now.
There's no way I'd go see it again for 8 more minutes. I wouldn't even buy it again for 8 more minutes. I have a feeling Cameron is going to milk this for all it's worth. Probably re-releasing it every year with a few more minutes added to it.
At some point more people are going to start figuring out that he's pushing Fool's Gold, though.
At some point more people are going to start figuring out that he's pushing Fool's Gold, though.
There's no way I'd go see it again for 8 more minutes. I wouldn't even buy it again for 8 more minutes. I have a feeling Cameron is going to milk this for all it's worth. Probably re-releasing it every year with a few more minutes added to it.
There's no way I'd go see it again for 8 more minutes. I wouldn't even buy it again for 8 more minutes. I have a feeling Cameron is going to milk this for all it's worth. Probably re-releasing it every year with a few more minutes added to it.
I refuse to buy this on dvd since those are 3d-less, so I will love seeing this on the big screen again
I read an article were Sam Worthington said the 1st cut was almost 6hrs.
he should have done it like quentin tarantino did with Kill Bill, just made it 3 movies long. 2 hours each, released a month apart, then they wouldn't have needed to cut the 6 hours down to 3.
I highly doubt that there was that much extra footage. Considering that very little of the movie had shots with real actors on sets and the rest would have been heavily CG and cutting that much from the movie would have been a huge waste of money.