Super Freak
Predators is better then Avatar.
Not according to your sources at Rotten Tomatoes, or the majority of movie goers, or the studios.
Predators is better then Avatar.
I highly doubt that there was that much extra footage. Considering that very little of the movie had shots with real actors on sets and the rest would have been heavily CG and cutting that much from the movie would have been a huge waste of money.
Not according to your sources at Rotten Tomatoes, or the majority of movie goers, or the studios.
I agree. The extra 8 mins is going to some extended dialogue.
I seriously dont see why people would spend another $8 (or $15 for 3D) to see 8 more minutes of this movie. But maybe thats because I've only seen Avatar once.
Heck, I'd see it one more time as originally shown...its been the ONLY decent 3d movie to hit this year.........and since the 3D effect cannot be replicated at home, its worth it.....
Come on avatar is pretty good. Its not that bad.
Well you never really liked avatar. Predators was definatly not better imo. Its was just average.
The hell i said i only liked the first one and that was just a little. And what does twilight have to do with me liking avatar. People loved that movie and the box office says so. Its not perfect but it is a awesome movie.
Here we ____ing go again.......
Wez, please, learn to read. Because I've never said I hated Avatar. And I've said, MANY ____ING TIMES I loved it. And I EVEN ____ING SAID I'D SEE IT AGAIN!!!!
Agh! This is why people jump on you!
I still think Predators was better because Predator > Na'vi.![]()
Twilight is terrible. In every way. I had to comment on this too.....Box Office does NOT determine a film's quailty.
The hell i said i only liked the first one and that was just a little. And what does twilight have to do with me liking avatar. People loved that movie and the box office says so. Its not perfect but it is a awesome movie.
I hate the series but i likes (only a tad bit) the first movie.
O by the way Predators vs edward cullen !!!
Who do you think would win ??
Choose Now !!!
Avatards are serious dorks.
A new AVP movie is coming...Avatar Vs Preadators
Predators looking for a new hunt, the Na'vi.
Easy victory for the Na'vi. Preadtors have a hard enough time killing humans and aliens.