Just beat you to it drod26!
I decided to go the Hasbro route as I found this guy loose on eBay for £13.50GBP including shipping!
Glad I did - he's great!
I might try popping the outfit on a TrueType body as he isn't very stable, but he poses pretty well on the Hasbro base body.
There are issues...
1) The fit of the leg armour - I might add thin elastic straps to the thigh, knee and shine pieces to hold it tighter.
2) The Holster - Looks a bit cheap compared to the rest of the outfit and is impossible to keep tied up!!!! Might re-paint it and see if I can extend the strap a bit.
3) The Boots - Now these are actually brilliant, and not a problem in themselves, however, they are the main problem with the leg armour fitting in my opinion. They are much taller than I imagined they would be and are to wide for the shin armour to fit over.
My dilemma is: Do I tuck the trousers and armour into the boots as in these pics?
cut the boots down (ruining a nice pair of boots) but then the trousers and shin piece will be more screen accurate.
Remove the Shin armour completely, and just tuck the trousers in and show off the cool boots?
Hmmm.... gonna have a play with him, but at the price I paid - I'm made up!