That youtube interviewer is annoying, kept cutting Joost off from finishing his answers
- Joost brought it up again the HT Anne Catwoman was in the 60,000 production range. HT only makes figures where the numbers makes sense for them., they have to make figures that they think will sell in the tens of thousands. Anything below 5-10,000 isn't considered an option.
- body in the facebook post is a Phicen. Also currently talking with another manufacturer too and will be testing and comparing durability.
- Doing research on the corset part, looking like it's better to be caste (?).
- Their initial basic calculation trying to get to the Hot Toys price point of $250-$300 didn't allow for moveable eyes. But they're gonna see if they can do moveable eyes within the budget and if they like where they go with the moveable eyes, they will need to make a small price increase to $335 or something, not sure yet.
- 22 Catwoman on the list, just a matter of time before he gets to it
@JazzInc If your moveable eyes test goes well, please give us moveable eyes with the price increase