Hey doug the ones you like change colors and i try to leave it a one setting and i couldnt so i dont know about them i could be wrong maybe you can set it to one color but i had to drive 4 hours back home so i didnt try to mess with at the ikea store
yeah when your that far away it makes it tough to choose what to take home for sure, my ikea is only 45 mins down the road, it seems that i'm going there everyother weekend,
and this time of year is no easy task
but yeah the led/diod style lights have both changing colors and solid white also, and the white ones are way cheaper. i believe in the $40-$50 range (while the colored are $80
i think), for 4 of them. but either way their lighting systems are very simple to use, and relatively cheap. imo
ps. if i may make one suggestion, maybe get the doom and spidey/hulk dio lifted up slightly on a platform with some nice black clothe covering the platform, that way then the two of them would look suspended in the box, and centered in the door/picture frame.
i don't know how it would look in person, but they sure would photograph better. it just seems that they're bottoms are cut off, been on the top shelf and the angle of the picture that they were took from.
looks great though, it just shows how a simple box from ikea, can be dressed up to look like something totally different from one setting to another
ttyl man
i'm also hoping to get some pics finally of my sons room, in a couple of weeks that's were all the lsb's are, plus a few more that i managed to scrape together.