OT Preferist
Great work Mollins and Elvis! And another amazing sculpt from Z... looks really sweet 

Back to Jigsaw tomorrow as well as the Winchesters
Status report
Head is done. Just need some stuff to complete the build. Will try to post images tonight.
Elvis thanks again! Once again we are thinkin on the same track. In natural light the hair does look a little darker. Although watching the film for something like the 100th time, his hair does look darker, dyed black, the after the reconstruction, his hair almost has an intentional hair plug look to the wig used.
This was just done between clear coats drying for 3 pieces I'm doing up for a friend. Sort of a parch job
I ended up pausing the damn blu ray to get the scars on the hands right. I had a pair of Soldier Story that needed a mild mod to fit the Hot Toys body. Then repainted them & added the scars.
I kinda prefer the look yours has with the gloves. Hakes him a little more fashionable, & I mean come on, Billy "the Beaut", it's all about looks right?
True, an evil emo look. This piece is till a long way off from being complete. I've got a lot of other projects that come first,
Also want to add his ring & a tie clip
Yeah, the hair has to get darker, way to brown I think. I just didn't want it to close to Frank in tones. I always like to make companion pieces look good together but stand apart somewhat.
Ok, just gonna throw this out there: 3 words