JND Studios: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1:3 Harrison Ford and Sean Connery

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I think the black and white helps on that other one with the higher contrast - it makes his eyes darker (which has a HUGE effect on nailing the HF likeness) and the stubble stands out more too.

Also, the JND skin tone is completely wrong; HF was not a 2024 "sun smart" person, he was a super tanned 80's person. Why they have made him so pale is just odd.
I know what you're saying but the JND eyes color is extremely accurate to the green hazel eyes that Ford has. The reason they look darker is mostly due to them being deeply set in shadow due to his brow overhanging them. If you look at the "extreme close-up" of his eyes as he runs up to the camera in the Cairo basket chase scene from Raiders, you'll see his real eye color really clearly there. It's down to the way it's lit predominantly. I agree 100% about the skin tone though. He definitely needs to have a much healthier suntan than what they've currently given the portrait. I hope they can adjust that as "pale Indy" just doesn't look correct!
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