I was just highlighting how you all are actually settling for, as you say, what's available 'right now', which is second best. Settling for the TE, just because it's the better one of a few bad versions, doesn't make it good. The sculpts thus far in general are ok, not outstanding. So you're saying that I have to pay for a head sculpt, and have it repainted to make it look good? What about people who can't paint these heads (which is a lot of people)? That's not good enough. Just because some head sculpts/suits/bodies are better than others, doesn't mean those ones are that good. You're basically going through the better ones of a bad lot. As mentioned prior for the TE; incorrect body and suit, 2/3 head have the same sculpt, and the base is just boring. If that's not settling for what's available 'right now', I don't know what is. You've just supported your own initial argument, which is people not having 'common sense' and just settling for what's available at the moment.