Is it just me or does it seem kinda disrespectful for people to keep posting there joker heads when they know they are recasts?
I think you giving a good point here but because so many people into this hobby, there will be lots of different people ideas regarding to recasting, licensing and all.
In my opinion, because of the creations especially by the artists who start the projects at the first time, we have so many options to choose but after time, they have to deal with recasting because people cannot afford or disagree with such prices or the original is sold out long time ago.
So basically it is all depending on us. Like MJ choi's head, I will go for genuine one because I respect the maker and I respect my painter (which is by different artist, I believe as same as Chad's). As a matter of fact, am going for two genuine heads and going with the same painter. All of these for my personal collection and I love MJ collaboration with the painter and I love figures in limited numbers because I can keep them for long time.
But for some people who are looking into hobbies and toys perceptions, they buy recast, study on it and do on their own, even make them better. Then they will forget about it. That is why we have a pioneer and creator terms
Nothing wrong with it.
And again, it is like if you buy a painting, either you buy expensive painting because you love the artist's works and its limited then for you to keep for long time (who knows you can sell it someday), or you buy the counterfeit one such as poster and hang it to your living room and can be changed anytime you want because it is only a poster.
So all depending on our ideas looking to the subject.
Well, afterall, it is a hobby, so depending on us how we appreciate our figures is that as an art or a toy. Both are not wrong.
Just my ideas guys. Keep up this thread because all of you done great jobs!