Super Freak
And where the hell is Hot Toys with our official dredd figure already.
As everyone here knows, the studio didn't do justice to this film, but don't underestimate the impact of tasteless moviegoers. I brought my daughter to see Cinderella last weekend. The Paul Blart 2 trailer showed. It was horrifyingly bad, but the adults all around me were guffawing like he was Louis C.K., Richard Pryor, and Bill Murray all rolled into one uber-comedian.Instead let's make a Paul blart 2
Yep. SW started it all in the first place.
I love the title theme.
It's soooooooo powerful and creates perfect mood for the movie!
Now excuse me, I have an urgent need to punch some punks in the face. BRB
Studios are obsessed with big franchises and super hero bullcrap.
so they are not interested in one off movies anymore unless it leads to a big Marvel-like universe
so when you get stuff like Paul blart or 50 shades of grey being number 1, thats all they see. the potential to make 5 more
This and Hellboy......such a shame
And where the hell is Hot Toys with our official dredd figure already.
And where the hell is Hot Toys with our official dredd figure already.
The Art Figures Dredd is excellent.
I just know if hot toys got the license to do the official Dredd, the internet would lose their minds.