Well I gotta get a new one. My wife texted me pics of it and it's got paint scratches all over it.
Well I gotta get a new one. My wife texted me pics of it and it's got paint scratches all over it.
I hope we see some more repaints of it.
Battle Damage?
I’m starting this weekend on my SC, probably going out on lunch tomorrow to buy paints. If I’m successful and feel it would be easy enough, might repaint my EC Rex, but I want to hit up my Raptors and Dilophosaurus before then, and my EC is all about the posing fun, the SC is the “high end” piece. My is in transit to local Walmart, no clue how long it’ll take to arrive, their tracking isn’t detailed.
It's the regular. She said a lot of the body has this white crap on it. And trying to remove is is removing the brown paint. So stupid to not cover the figure completely in the box.
I look forward to seeing what you cook up. Are you going for the current color scheme or the JP true Rexy version?
So stupid to not cover the figure completely in the box.
Hard to tell what is damage or not, Mattel has purposely put these white flecks on all the Rex figures, not sure why, what it's supposed to be, maybe ash from the movie but then why don't other dinosaur figures have it.
As for my paint scheme, I'm going for original JP1 Rex, the only thing I might take from JW version is some of the added wear/dirt on the teeth, just to make it feel like she's eaten and hunted her share of prey, but body color will be all original, the best.
Yep I'd be returning that.
Especially when the idiots at Mattel go to all of the trouble of securing the figures with dozens of twisty ties, it's all a wasted effort when half the figure is exposed to whatever damage is possible in the store. They might as well not bother with boxes altogether and just put the figures on the shelves with little tags attached to the arms.
It's the regular. She said a lot of the body has this white crap on it. And trying to remove is is removing the brown paint. So stupid to not cover the figure completely in the box.
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That's the case in my Walmart, that's a positive though...it means the line is blowing out instead of clogging the pegs like the Hasbro JW line did.
Imagine that, make a good product and it will fly off the shelves.
I think that's how it's supposed to be. All of the Rex figures seem to have some cream-colored plastic "flakes" (for lack of a better term) mixed in. Ideally they'd be just below the surface so that they're not too bright, but some may be flush with the surface and stick out of the plastic partially. That spot in your photo must be where a flake is actually exposed. Unless that looks more like paint spillage on your end.
Imagine that, make a good product and it will fly off the shelves.