Did you start the Rex repaint?
I did, slow going so far, working on the hand and foot claws first, to my surprise there’s quite a bit to them when you get the right reference.

If you look close, there’s a striping pattern of black and brown under the scuffs and scratches. I have the base brown done, working on the black stripes then the wear and tear.
I’ve also taken a photo of my SC Rex and I’m going in Photoshop mapping out the colors of the skin to use as my paint guide. Between custom paint jobs and movie reference, there are a lot of good shots to figure out the pieces, but none that show you the whole thing so I’m merging the pieces in my image so it’s easier to work from.
For example, I didn’t notice in many shots, but if you look at the image I’ve posted, the dark patten that comes down her thighs is over lighter tones up there, but once it hits the scales running down to the toes, the whole front of the leg is dark with light highlights.
I’m really trying to study all the reference to make it the best possible. Every repaint I’ve seen so far has looked impressive but there’s usually a spot or two I’ll notice aren’t entirely accurate but only if you’re really diving in like me, most people wouldn’t notice, like I can’t think of an Rexy paint up with the toenail striping pattern.