Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW, JW:FK)

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Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Thank you secunda! I'm glad you like the photos. :) There is nothing fancy about my photo setup. Well, perhaps apart from the gear itself. These were taken with a Nikon D810 with a 50mm 1.8 lens. The lighting is from a lamp in the ceiling. ISO 200, 30 second exposure @ f16. Some processing in Lightroom and Photoshop. :)
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Jeez, that new rex looks like it had some deformities growing up. I had a ton of JP and LW toys as a kid. It's funny, that red rex is one of my favorite toys of all time, but mine's tail was permanently kinked at almost a 90 degree angle from the box. He was a tripod.

I told my parents they could sell any of my old toys they wanted, except they couldn't touch my JP and Star Wars toys. Hopefully, they're still packed away nice and safe!
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

The bent tail was present on all red rex figures(as well as the Thrasher and Bull T. rex). To save space the tail was probably bent in the factory prior to being placed in the box. There is a metal rod in the tail which makes it somewhat poseable. :)
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Here's a pic of the Indominus vs T. rex statue(s) from the blu-ray limited edition gift set.

I estimate them to be in 1/40th scale. :) Not very big, but certainly more movie accurate than anything that Hasbro has managed to produce. :monkey3

Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Those actually look a lot nicer than I'd have expected.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

I hope we get somthing like this in the near future. I can't believe we are so limited on JP collectibles. Sideshow kinda just gave up
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Sideshow may have continued if Dinosauria failed, but it seems they found a collector base satisfied enough with cool dinosaurs and not needing Stan Winston designs so why deal with a licensed property when you can do similar products free from paying licensing and going through approval processes and having to make the product meet collector expectation. When it's their concept there is no right or wrong, when it's based on something, accuracy comes into play.

Papo does real dinosaurs so we'll never see an Indominous from them.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Here's the Thrasher T. rex from the Kenner 1997 Jurassic Park - The Lost World toy line. I never had this toy when I was younger so I have no nostalgic attachment to it. I got this one off of eBay. It may not be as common as the red rex, but it certainly is popular! Needless to say I hade to fork out quite a lot for it! Now that I finally have it in hand I can understand why many rate this as the best T. rex toy ever made. It looks great! Especially when accompanied by the big red rex from the first toy line! :)

Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

here is my little collection, loved this stuff as a kid and still love it now :)

Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Mattel has nabbed the Jurassic Park franchise licensing from Hasbro and will take over toy line July 2017.


Now this may be a big deal since we could see 1/6 Barbie Movie JP Collectibles like DC Supes and Bats. :lol (Which to be honest would buy in a heartbeat for Nostalgia.)

(EDIT: This may be a sinking boat for the line after Thundercats incident I just read.)
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Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

******* AMAZING 13707657_1724177524508752_7956032213895257320_n.jpg
I'm really looking forward to getting this!
I messaged and asked when it would be available for preorder but no date yet as to when..
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Some pics of my 1993 Kenner Jurassic Park toy collection. :)

I got the big red Tyrannosaurus rex for christmas back in the day and my brothers got the Young T. rex and Triceratops. I remember how superior these toys looked, and also how robust they felt. Even though the sculpts weren't 100% accurate they were way ahead of anything else back then. Many years later a managed to get myself the Horizon T. rex vinyl kit. I've assembled it but it still needs to be painted. :)

The Young Tyrannosaurus in perfect condition. :)

The Horizon vinyl T. rex.

Currently I'm waiting for the Chronicle Collectibles T. rex statue to be available for pre-order! :)

Heyo, necropost time lol

Wondering if you ever finished the modded Horizon Rex you posted here. I'd love to see it. If it's still on the workbench, I'd also love to see or learn about the mods you did to it.

Sidenote, both the Horizon and the original Kenner Rex were taken from he same Stan Winston mold, which is the sculpt that was used to create the armature for Phil Tippet's stop-motion tests. The Kenner version had parts "toy-ified" like the teeth/gums, swiveled arms etc, but it is the Winston mold. Both the Horizon and the Kenner are little snippets of film history, it's great.
Re: Jurassic Park Collectible Thread (JP, TLW:JP, JPIII, JW)

Chronicle still has the Jurassic franchise license, they're very pricey though. I wouldn't mind getting the big Tyrannosaur bust.

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