Jurassic World (SPOILERS!)

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I loved this movie.

Usually if a movie interests me enough to go see it, then I enjoy it. There's a few exceptions, but mostly it's a good time. I don't over analize movies because..........well, they're movies.

Movies that are suppose to be factual are another story.

I do crack up every time the gyrosphere guy robotically says "enjoy the ride" after the guests are already sealed in and have departed. Also when the guy who got saved from the Raptors at the beginning hits the button to let them loose at the end. Just his face and the way he seemingly puts his entire upper body into the motion of pressing the button like it's this big badass moment for him. You can just tell that the director was having a ball making this film from beginning to end.
Nah, they probably would hate that too. :lol

I generally troll those that seem to think everything is crap. Lol, okay man, I'm sure you could do better.

I always see a movie just for the thrill. Around the second or third time, I analyze the photography, shot angles, music, and so on; but it never ruins my initial reaction of the film. Why go in trying to analyze everything. I can already see those same guys coming in and saying "Star Wars TFA: Count Crapula/10".

My answer to that kind of talk is "Can you do better?"

The answer is a resounding "No." :lol

The dino petting zoo was great
The John Hammond vision of a working Park was awesome
The name brand stores in “shopping lane” was great
Underwater dinosaur scenes were fresh and welcomed. EVEN the older brother seemed happy and enjoying himself

I thought all the points you make were awesome to see. :D

Other than the return of Alan Grant, there was nothing special about JP3.

For me, JW is my 2nd favorite with Lost World at 3 and JP3 dead last.

One of the aspects that drew me in as a viewer was how detailed and spot on so many aspects of zoos and theme parks were exactly like you'd encounter, they didn't make it perfect for Hollywood, like the ill-equipped operator for the gyrosphere ride and slapping a brand name on everything cuz it's all sponsored now and no one sponsors without their name all over things.

JP & JW are the only two movies from this series that I thoroughly enjoy. :yess:

The theme park atmosphere of this movie was great to see! :rock
I feel the same way about the Jurassic movies as I do About the Alien movies, while it seems everybody (on this forum) wants Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum to return, I could care less. The stars of these movies are the Dinosaurs, everybody else is disposable.

For me, JW was far better than JP2 and JP3, I honestly enjoyed the ride a bit more than the first JP, but JP's T Rex scene trumps anything in the other movies.

As for Alien, if they make another Alien movie and Sigourney "Crypt Keeper" Weaver is starring in it, I won't bother to go see it.

Edit : I will say that Chris Pratt's character is the only character in any of these movies that I liked, but he seems pretty likeable in just about everything he does.
That's my issue with JP3, I feel like they ruined the classic dinosaurs. Jurassic World did it right, it can't always be Rex and Raptors, but you can balance new ones without totally changing the old ones.

I felt bad for the bronto here. Probably thought this animal was trying to choke him.
I'm sure it was used to human contact by that point.

Also there were no Brontosaurs in this movie.
Apatosaurus? Although Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus are the same dinosaur if my memory serves me right. Maybe that's what Xeno is getting at. It was decided that 'Apatosaurus' would be the official name and yet Brontosaurus continued to be used and is the more well known name.
Apatosaurus? Although Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus are the same dinosaur if my memory serves me right. Maybe that's what Xeno is getting at. It was decided that 'Apatosaurus' would be the official name and yet Brontosaurus continued to be used and is the more well known name.
Yeah, they're Apatosaurs. For like 100 years Brontosaurs and Apatasaurs were believed to be the same dinosaur. Not anymore, turns out they're indeed two separate dinos.
Really? That must have been relatively recent. The last time I was keeping up with dinosaur literature was probably in and around the first JP film.

Movie was terribly written and directed but the masses seem to love these mind numbing blockbusters...

:goodpost: 100% agree. I bought it on Blu ray in hopes that a second and third viewing might change the disappointment I saw in the theatres but sadly it did not. Shame.

But Ultron is OK, huh...?