^ I watch everything this way......and love it!!!

I think you're joking. It would be way too weird to watch everything this way. Too real, if that makes sense. Although I'd like to watch Jaws that way all the way thru.
^ I watch everything this way......and love it!!!
I was visiting relatives yesterday, and I put the movie on for my daughter cause she was bored. I noticed on the TV in my relatives house, that the movie looked very video-ish. Like it was shot with a home movie camera. Is their tv likely cheap, or is it a setting?
Could be one of those hi-def TVs that makes everything look like a soap opera TV show. My friend has one and I don't know how he can stand it.
I like movies to look like movies.
Motion smoother, maybe?
There's a setting on the TV that makes it appear that way. It's actually incredible to watch -- when I first got my set I watched parts of Star Wars and Jaws in this mode and it was crazy, looked like I was right there on set as stuff was happening. Really weird. If you cue up the scene in Jaws where the towns people come into the room where Quint scratches the chalkboard, the shot is long and static and it totally looks people are coming into your room and you're watching from a rectangular window. Totally freaky.
I enjoy it too. It doesn't work for all movies, and I certainly don't watch everything with Motion Smoothing. Especially not a movie that I'm watching for the first time. I like using this feature the most with older movies. Movies that I've seen so many times. This feature actually gives it new life. It almost appears three dimensional. It's pretty cool to see that effect from older movies.^ I watch everything this way......and love it!!!
That's the Soap Opera effect and, yes, Sachiel. It's the Motion Smoothing feature of some HDTVs that have that.
Simply turn it off.
Thanks for the education.
Curious for those who enjoy JW, how often do you watch JP trilogy? Never? Once or Twice? Don't remember them?
I've watched JP and TLW countless times. JP///, not so much.
I've watched JP and TLW countless times. JP///, not so much.
I was visiting relatives yesterday, and I put the movie on for my daughter cause she was bored. I noticed on the TV in my relatives house, that the movie looked very video-ish. Like it was shot with a home movie camera. Is their tv likely cheap, or is it a setting?
Motion smoother, maybe?
That last fight scene gets better each time I watch it.