"If you vote for Qui Gon all your wildest dreams will come true..."
Buttmunch said:...I got an email from Kathy at Sideshow and see said I could have Mace and Qui-Gon shipped togehter and Han and Obi-Wan shipped together. It will cause a slight delay, but to save ever cent I can on shipping will be great this tight month and a 1/2....
Indiana Fett said:I hear ya Buttmunch, I was able to set-up the same thing with Jennifer in Siseshow's Customer Service dept. They have it set to ship me both Han Solo's (Exclusive and Regular) and both Obi-Wan's (Exclusive and Regular) in one box...Then follow that with both Mace's and both Qui-Gonn's in another later on...It'll save me huge here in Canada to have them shipped together!
Thanks Jennifer! and Thanks Sideshow!!!
tomandshell said:Must have mine shipped ASAP...
Very glad to get low shipping prices as a local customer. But I admire the patience of those willing and able to postpone shipment in the name of lower rates!
Buttmunch said:I'm sure when people start posting pics I'll regret it, but $6 or so is still $6. Times that by at least 2 and I've already saved around $10 or $12 to go towards another one of the eight soon-to-be-coming 12" figures.
KitFisto said:We should be getting really close to this figure shipping too. I would think a 3-5 day notice should be comming any day now.
Darth Loki said:Where the hell's OBI at?!? We got a 3-5 day notice over 10 days ago it seems. I thought he was supposed to ship last week or something.
jason2885 said:Why are yall talking about Obi-Wan in Qui-Gons thread.