Just got my Qui-Gon Notice...

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"If you vote for Qui Gon all your wildest dreams will come true..."

I've got some spare hair from some long-deceased Spinal Tap figures that I might add on for thatr "over-the-shoulder" action.
Got mine too...This is gonna be great. Finally after months of pre-ordering and months of waiting we're finally getting all our SW figures in!!!
I got mine too. I got an email from Kathy at Sideshow and see said I could have Mace and Qui-Gon shipped togehter and Han and Obi-Wan shipped together. It will cause a slight delay, but to save ever cent I can on shipping will be great this tight month and a 1/2.

Strange though, I would have thought Mace and Obi-Wan would have been the ones to be able to ship together since we got our notices for them on the same day.
Buttmunch said:
...I got an email from Kathy at Sideshow and see said I could have Mace and Qui-Gon shipped togehter and Han and Obi-Wan shipped together. It will cause a slight delay, but to save ever cent I can on shipping will be great this tight month and a 1/2....

I hear ya Buttmunch, I was able to set-up the same thing with Jennifer in Siseshow's Customer Service dept. They have it set to ship me both Han Solo's (Exclusive and Regular) and both Obi-Wan's (Exclusive and Regular) in one box...Then follow that with both Mace's and both Qui-Gon's in another later on...It'll save me huge here in Canada to have them shipped together!

Thanks Jennifer! and Thanks Sideshow!!!

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Must have mine shipped ASAP...

:monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

Very glad to get low shipping prices as a local customer. But I admire the patience of those willing and able to postpone shipment in the name of lower rates!
Indiana Fett said:
I hear ya Buttmunch, I was able to set-up the same thing with Jennifer in Siseshow's Customer Service dept. They have it set to ship me both Han Solo's (Exclusive and Regular) and both Obi-Wan's (Exclusive and Regular) in one box...Then follow that with both Mace's and both Qui-Gonn's in another later on...It'll save me huge here in Canada to have them shipped together!

Thanks Jennifer! and Thanks Sideshow!!!


Good move Indy, every little bit helps to go towards the next one! :D
For me it's not a matter of patience but a matter of necessity. If I were rich (someday) I wouldn't care, but every dollar counts especially when Sideshow decides to throw FOUR Jedi in nearly the same month! Hearing about this, I'm more tempted than ever to cancel my Wolverine. :emperor

I'm happy to see the Jedi finally released, but I must admit it threw me when those notices just started rolling in. I only have myself to blame. I mean I know exactly why all the Star Wars right now. Can anyone say "Old-Trilogy- DVD"? I only wish I'd thought of it sooner. Ah well, live by the sword... :maul
tomandshell said:
Must have mine shipped ASAP...

:monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

Very glad to get low shipping prices as a local customer. But I admire the patience of those willing and able to postpone shipment in the name of lower rates!

I'm sure when people start posting pics I'll regret it, but $6 or so is still $6. Times that by at least 2 and I've already saved around $10 or $12 to go towards another one of the eight soon-to-be-coming 12" figures. :eek:
Buttmunch said:
I'm sure when people start posting pics I'll regret it, but $6 or so is still $6. Times that by at least 2 and I've already saved around $10 or $12 to go towards another one of the eight soon-to-be-coming 12" figures. :eek:

Actually Han and Obi may arrive at SSC Warehouse as long as two-three weeks apart if you are willing to wait but Mace and Qui-Gon may arrive closer together according to SSC CS... stay tuned.
Qui-Gon is my least favorite figure so far. The sculpt looks OK via profile but from the front it's not good. Also, that pock-marked neck is horrendous. The hair is still not right but it's definitely better than the "powdered wig" sculpt that was previewed on the prototype.

All of this only makes me more anxious about Obi-Wan. That's my favorite of the bunch so far and I'm hoping he doesn't disappoint.
We should be getting really close to this figure shipping too. I would think a 3-5 day notice should be comming any day now.
KitFisto said:
We should be getting really close to this figure shipping too. I would think a 3-5 day notice should be comming any day now.

Where the hell's OBI at?!? We got a 3-5 day notice over 10 days ago it seems. I thought he was supposed to ship last week or something.
Darth Loki said:
Where the hell's OBI at?!? We got a 3-5 day notice over 10 days ago it seems. I thought he was supposed to ship last week or something.

Somebody said over in the Obi-Wan thread that he should be shipping end of this week/early next week according to Sideshow CS.
I think I'm actually more excited to receive Qui-Gon than Mace at this point (though that will probably all change when the BMF arrives on Friday). I just watched Episode I again (it's been years), and I was reminded exactly why I should bother at all to view this film: Darth Maul and Qui-Gon. I really wish SSC had decided to go for the over-the-shoulder hair look (after all, they successfully did it with Legolas), no matter how difficult it may have made placing the Jedi robe on.

Count me in the minority (I guess?) of those who are actually thrilled that all the figures are suddenly shipping so fast. Yeah, it hurts the wallet, but it brings me ever closer to the arrival of...:maul :maul :maul