Just seen a woman getting beat up !!!

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The thing that goes through my mind is... what if this woman really needs help (as in, RIGHT NOW) and stepping in might actually save her life? Conversely, what if I hesitate or do nothing and she ends up very seriously injured or killed. I would never be able to shake the thought of knowing that I could very likely have done something.

Or what if she was a famous chick and you would miss the opportunity to name drop her later and say you possibly saved her life.:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5
The thing that goes through my mind is... what if this woman really needs help (as in, RIGHT NOW) and stepping in might actually save her life? Conversely, what if I hesitate or do nothing and she ends up very seriously injured or killed. I would never be able to shake the thought of knowing that I could very likely have done something.

Sure, it's not my problem and I could end up getting myself hurt (or killed) in the process. But when someone needs help, and you and have the ability help them... you do it.

or what if you do step in & end up in a wheelchair for life
Something kinda like this happened to me before too. It was a really really hot chick and this guy in a tank top with shoulder hair was pulling her hair and acting like he was going to slap her. I quickly took off my shirt and oiled up my pecs and went and tapped him on his hairy shoulder and flexed. He ran off and she kissed me and then we made love for 26 hours straight.


story would change to him banging her as a reward :D

It happens!
Or what if she was a famous chick and you would miss the opportunity to name drop her later and say you possibly saved her life.:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5
Indeed! That's actually my #1 motivation! :rock

or what if you do step in & end up in a wheelchair for life
Obviously, that would suck beyond anything. But so be it. It would have been the result of my own decisions. And I do also subscribe to the "everything happens for a reason" philosphy.
Good point Irish. It's a risk and I think something everyone has to decide on their own based on the situation. For me I've never been in a fight, never thrown a punch and I've never been punched, so the chances of me personally being able to do something are slim. If I had any fighting skills I would probably have a reaction like yours. Also had I thought to call on my cell phone or not been the only person in the office I probably would have gone outside and at least tried to distract him even if I didn't physically attack him. As it was by the time I got off the phone with 911 she was across the street and he was driving away.
Good point Irish. It's a risk and I think something everyone has to decide on their own based on the situation. For me I've never been in a fight, never thrown a punch and I've never been punched, so the chances of me personally being able to do something are slim.

You'd be surprised what adrenaline can do. I've only ever been in a couple of real fights myself, but I already know from that experience that you're able to muster strength you never knew you had. Plus, as an Irishman when I'm truly pissed off I'm impervious to physical pain. We're scrappy little bastards... like Brad Pitt in SNATCH. :monkey5
You'd be surprised what adrenaline can do. I've only ever been in a couple of real fights myself, but I already know from that experience that you're able to muster strength you never knew you had. Plus, as an Irishman when I'm truly pissed off I'm impervious to physical pain. We're scrappy little bastards... like Brad Pitt in SNATCH. :monkey5

I have only been in manly internet fights.
:rotfl True, and I'm part Irish so if push comes to shove maybe I could handle myself in a fight. But personally I'd place money on me going down after one hit.
I have only been in manly internet fights.

:lol :rotfl :lol Is there such a thing?

:rotfl True, and I'm part Irish so if push comes to shove maybe I could handle myself in a fight. But personally I'd place money on me going down after one hit.
Just try not to get hit square in the jaw. And try to hit HIM square in the jaw. That's the "secret".
:lol :rotfl :lol Is there such a thing?

Just try not to get hit square in the jaw. And try to hit HIM square in the jaw. That's the "secret".

the secret is to master the 1 - 3 technique to fighting as you receive 2 :D

PS. personally the head butt to the front of the nose has worked for me

aka the glasgow kiss
My dad always said go for the ear to knock their equilibrium off.

Personally I'd got for a baseball bat and then come back at them.