Lots of talent here who are definite assets to the board. But for better or for worse MAJOR PROPS should be given to the two guys who pretty much laid the groundwork for customs here:
Figure Master Les Walker and Dark Artist. Controversial guys, but this forum would be a much poorer place for customs without them.
I think the idea of this thread is kind of dumb, but my woot goes to Skibrodudeman. No doubt the board is gaining a great new sculptor who will tear across the board but we are losing (IMO) The.Best.Painter the board has ever had.
Figure Master Les Walker and Dark Artist. Controversial guys, but this forum would be a much poorer place for customs without them.
I think the idea of this thread is kind of dumb, but my woot goes to Skibrodudeman. No doubt the board is gaining a great new sculptor who will tear across the board but we are losing (IMO) The.Best.Painter the board has ever had.