Wow, I love Barad-Dur 
FOTR was my favourite of the 2 you've done so far Jerry but this one is easily going to challenge that.
My beloved Samwise looks so sweet.
Stunning work as always
So as Sauron appeared in FOTR he would have to have been asked for on the FOTR Litho. He didn't appear in ROTK (that I can remember) so I doubt a remarque would be done of him, unless you wanted 'the eye' I guess

FOTR was my favourite of the 2 you've done so far Jerry but this one is easily going to challenge that.
My beloved Samwise looks so sweet.
Stunning work as always


As far as I am aware anubis the remarque you choose (if you pre-buy) has to be featured in that film, you can choose the character but Jerry picks the actual sketch/frame of that character.Wow! That's insane Jerry, most excellent!! Can't wait to see the whole thing
By the way, with regards to remarques, when I pre-buy, can I ask for a character that wasn't in ROTK film specifically? It's just I wanted Sauron from the FOTR prologue scenes.
So as Sauron appeared in FOTR he would have to have been asked for on the FOTR Litho. He didn't appear in ROTK (that I can remember) so I doubt a remarque would be done of him, unless you wanted 'the eye' I guess
