My deluxe kit arrived yesterday, and finally today I was able to put it together and share some photos with you folks.
My opinions after handling it: out of the box and at first look the figure is quite disappointing. It comes by default with the screaming non-war paint Wallace head whose paints applications are quite flat (Sideshow on a weak day level) and with the blue kilt non fuzzed. Also on the negative side, the shield could have done with more details and a less toy like finish, and more or less the same goes for the handle of the sword.
As promised by Fabio, the figure includes both Kilts: the blue and a brown one at the bottom of the box. Funny thing is that after comparing them against some screenshots from the movie, I think that the blue one with some heavy weathering using coffee (check KP facebook) is the one to that's what I did. Dressing the figure with the Kilt and fuzzing it seems to be completely out of my skill level, but following the original video from Iminime I was able to get it done. In the process I found out that just touching too hard the studs from the armor is enough to make them come apart, so when I was done my table was full of those little pieces

. On the pro side, KP apparently was aware of that fact because they included many extra ones on a bag with the kit.
Once everything was done and I switched to the War Pain head I started changing my mind about the figure. Yes, it's not stellar, but it has got a lot of presence on the shelf and even with the drawbacks mentioned above I think it's a very good representation of the character.