Time to weigh in. Has any other manufacturer ever done this before; offered a fix due to negative customer feedback?
Kudos to Fabio for fixing this and doing right by his customers.
Have to admit Asmus are the best at this
Time to weigh in. Has any other manufacturer ever done this before; offered a fix due to negative customer feedback?
Kudos to Fabio for fixing this and doing right by his customers.
QMX did it with their Firefly Mal Reynolds recently. They redid the head sculpt and included both versions in the box.
But, yes, it's a rare but very welcome response from a company.
Time to weigh in. Has any other manufacturer ever done this before; offered a fix due to negative customer feedback?
Kudos to Fabio for fixing this and doing right by his customers.
Yeah, and they just proved that again by changing their Gandalf sculpt due to negative feedback (added widow's peak and smoothed wrinkles).Have to admit Asmus are the best at this
If people think this movie is pure fiction, then I don't think word "fiction" is understood. Star Wars, Star Trek, Wizard of Oz - that is pure fiction. William Wallace did indeed live. He fought back against a tyrannical England and was martyred for it. That's what Braveheart portrayed and did well. I'm fairly confident a Luke Skywalker or Dorothy from Oz never existed. Besides this movie never professed itself as 100% factually based. That's all of your takes. If you go into a movie expecting facts 100% of the time then you have a serious mental problem separating reality from movie making - that's a personal issue. It's an artistic interpretation which Hollywood does all the time.
Nevertheless, I'm still waiting on someone to provide a Hollywood movie to me that doesn't take artistic license. Why do people only single out Braveheart?
You really kicked that straw man's ass. [emoji38] No one is claiming they wanted "100% facts". It would be difficult to make a 2 hr + movie about Wallace without fiction as we don't know much about him outside legend and fanciful poems. The thing is they would have made just as good a movie WITH the facts we do have with some fiction mixed without the emotional nationalistic pandering . Just the very fact you say he was martyred against a tyrannical country speaks volumes. When Wallace and friends did enter England do you think they walked around killing only those in the English army?lol And while Gibson never claimed they sticking 100% to the facts I certainly think he wanted you to believe a lot of this. Why else set it in history with real names and places. Oh, and I know what fiction means. Braveheart has real names( mostly) and places but it's fiction. Or should we refrain from calling Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Killer fiction? After all it does have real names and places.
I hate to derail the thread but I didn't care for your tone so I felt the need to reply.
Where is the other kilt?
The guy said he ordered before the announcement was made but his seller will receive the extra kilt and sent it to him later
Could somebody explain to me the briliant move by Kaustic to include two almost identical HS in the deluxe set (only difference is war paint), both screaming ones?!
And then the third sculpt, the one most perfer, they sell separately...
That's just brilliant!
Hey guys, will all sellers include the brown kilt? I can't stand the purple one at all! I was thinking to pre-order from this website:
Hi guys, sorry for the long delay on answers.. Very very busy with William Wallace and all the new products planned.
I like to inform you that 100% of the Box, Standard, Box, Deluxe Box or Kit, will have an EXTRA KILT inside, brown weathered.